A real racist

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Rusty Nails

Country Member
I get exactly what @matticus is getting at here, or at least I hope I do, especially the bit 'OF COURSE you're not racist' alongside the comment that PR is a 'massive racist'.

Does racism have a sliding scale with a point at which it tips over from being mild racism to average racism to massive racism? Is any level of racism so mild as to be excusable, and what gives anyone the right to judge this who is not absolutely clear of any hint of racism?

I confess to being a P,M & VS boomer. and my circle of friends, not colleagues or acquaintances, contains no people who are not white...but then I must admit to having no more than about 7/8 people who I call friends rather than acquaintances. I had one close friend from Pakistan who died some years back and probably have a handful of non-white people who I occasionally chat to over the club or at work.

I know that when I speak to a black person I am aware that they are black, often from a different cultural background to mine, and probably worry too much in case I put my foot in it. So I am not colour blind, and aware of people's ethnic background and issues they may have faced through racism, but, other than behaviours learned from their cultural history, I do not see any intrinsic difference between them and my white acquaintances. On immigration I believe that any country should set its own limits on numbers but that these limits should not be influenced by race or country of origin, particularly wrt asylum.

I have read in the past that racism can also include the fact that people are aware of race when dealing with people, or not actively fighting against racism in society, so on that basis I could be said to fail the test and that is why I am loathe to use the term racist to cover all but the most egregious cases.



For the record, I thought Hendrix was better than Clapton.


Reading around the chip
I could be said to fail the test

Newsflash! There's no test.

It's not about you. If you've got anxieties about whiteness (all white people have them, BTW, especially the ones that think they don't), maybe do something entertaining or productive with it. Y'know, like Larry David.

Seriously though - racism is structure and practice, not nature. But a certain commitment to the practice of it will justifiably earn someone a label. If they double down, the label might stick. Stop worrying about whether you're racist as if you might discover or reveal sone kind of immutable racist core at the centre of your being - I promise you there isn't. In the context in which the present row kicked off, we were talking about the climate crisis. The point is not mainly that equitable, democratic, racially just solutions are morally right, but that they are the only way out for everyone. The alternative is some kind of eco-fascist dystopia where a global elite (which will be mainly white) deploys violent authoritarian means to protect itself from an increasingly desperate populace (which will be predominantly PoC). We have people hereabouts who are advocating for the latter.


For those who don't directly experience racism, and perhaps struggle to empathise, a little self education and reflection, especially on the more covert forms of prejudice, can be really helpful...

There are loads of opportunities to do that.
Here are just a few.


Of course that work is only going to be undertaken if people really do have at least some inclination towards acknowledging and tackling racism, and its corrosive effects.
Those who in truth don't give a shoot will continue with their closed 'its all garbage' mindset.

And therein lies the problem.

Meanwhile climate justice is social justice.

The countries who were and are the main drivers of climate change were also the exploitative (and racist) colonialists.
We didn't get this rich as a nation by selling Union Jack tea towels .

Reparations for, and help with adaptations to climate change are morally due from the richer global north to the global south in light of this damage that was knowingly done - and to acknowledge the heavier consequences borne by those who didn't do all this dirty stuff in the first place.
But the likelihood of this being done in any meaningful way is seeming rather slight.

Right, in light of the storm approaching, battens must be applied to hatches.

Climate change is no respecter of borders.


Über Member
(all white people have them, BTW, especially the ones that think they don't)
That's not gonna go down well with the pale chap. And could result in serious mental issues for the more concerned liberal on here.


That's not gonna go down well with the pale chap. And could result in serious mental issues for the more concerned liberal on here.

It's only going to cause 'mental issues' for people who say stuff like "I don't notice peoples skin colour - I just treat everyone the same"

As if that lets em off the hook for not acknowledging or wanting to tackle systemic racism.
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