All right wingers are colossal morons

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Wokey Dick


Epic Member
AKA, morons.

Yup. You are a moron on two accounts if you read the Mail. Firstly that your literacy levels are so poor that you need big font, bolded words and unsophisticated language, and secondly that you readily believe their specious stories because your literacy skills, analytical skills and your historico-political base are so weak.

Naturally those for whom the Mail is created have no idea of this, because if they did they would possess the requisite skill levels to correctly assess and eschew the Mail as a crude propagandist rag.

Deleted member 121

This was in a town not too far from me.

At least he got the Gary part right.



To be fair I am at work reading an interesting review paper on the gut microbiome...

You need to eat a peck of dirt etc..

A colleague here did some microscopy on soil samples from here, apparently we've got lots of the lovely protozoa that make the full range of soil nutrients available to the crops which in turn makes them available to us 🌱🌱🌱🌱🙏🏼

It's almost as if it's all interconnected innit.??

Please. I am just eating my breakfast.

And it's all thanks to your biome if it gets digested properly.

I don't know, some of you chaps are so squeamish 🙄

Anyhoo up, off to set out the beans in the lovely biome friendly soil.
Rain at last.


If you get the chance (bit slim), watch Onder het Maaiveld:


There's even a tardigrade in there for @Julia9054

Thanks, I will.

But if it's about looking after the soil life community, microorganisms, fungi, recycling nutrients, and the interconnected web of all living and non living things in the soil, etc etc then I'm already onboard 👍🏼

It's why I've farmed the way I do for decades..

It's kind of nice to be 'almost' mainstream nowadays though 😊


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
You need to eat a peck of dirt etc..

A colleague here did some microscopy on soil samples from here, apparently we've got lots of the lovely protozoa that make the full range of soil nutrients available to the crops which in turn makes them available to us 🌱🌱🌱🌱🙏🏼

It's almost as if it's all interconnected innit.??

And it's all thanks to your biome if it gets digested properly.

I don't know, some of you chaps are so squeamish 🙄

Anyhoo up, off to set out the beans in the lovely biome friendly soil.
Rain at last.

In my professional life it's more that I have a particular interest in a specific type of body odour that originates in the gut and is influenced by your microbiome. But the whole thing is interesting really.


In my professional life it's more that I have a particular interest in a specific type of body odour that originates in the gut and is influenced by your microbiome. But the whole thing is interesting really.

Oooh very interesting..

A bit like when people get a bit stinky when they're in ketosis??

Ian H

Legendary Member
Yup. You are a moron on two accounts if you read the Mail. Firstly that your literacy levels are so poor that you need big font, bolded words and unsophisticated language, and secondly that you readily believe their specious stories because your literacy skills, analytical skills and your historico-political base are so weak.

Naturally those for whom the Mail is created have no idea of this, because if they did they would possess the requisite skill levels to correctly assess and eschew the Mail as a crude propagandist rag.

On the odd occasion when I've read a Ma!l article, I've been struck by the relative accuracy of a given article, but with a willfully misleading headline. My guess is an expectation that their readers won't read beyond the headline & the Ma!l has plausible deniability.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Oooh very interesting..

A bit like when people get a bit stinky when they're in ketosis??

It's a genetic condition that makes people smell like rotten fish. There's an odourous compound produced in the gut that's normally metabolised by the liver but if you have this condition the liver can't process it and it comes out in your breath and sweat (and other body fluids).
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