Pale Rider
Hot on the heels of Angela Rayner's (successful) attempt to derail the Labour Party Conference we have another volunteer willing to go over the top.
Claudia Webbe, who at 56 is old enough to know better, has got herself into an unseemly spat with another woman who may, or may not, have been a love rival.
Ms Webbe is fully up to speed with social media, because among the alleged conduct is a threat to send naked photos of the other woman to her family.
She's also alleged to have used a 'misogynistic' insult.
Slightly unusual for a woman to be accused of misogyny, but I'm all in favour of equal opportunities.
In a hard to keep a straight face defence, Ms Webbe's QC said the phone calls were made because she was concerned the other woman was breaking Covid rules.
So she was only acting in the public interest, got it, far from being in the dock she should be awarded £50 from public funds.
The trial of this low key drama continues.
Claudia Webbe, who at 56 is old enough to know better, has got herself into an unseemly spat with another woman who may, or may not, have been a love rival.
Ms Webbe is fully up to speed with social media, because among the alleged conduct is a threat to send naked photos of the other woman to her family.
She's also alleged to have used a 'misogynistic' insult.
Slightly unusual for a woman to be accused of misogyny, but I'm all in favour of equal opportunities.
In a hard to keep a straight face defence, Ms Webbe's QC said the phone calls were made because she was concerned the other woman was breaking Covid rules.
So she was only acting in the public interest, got it, far from being in the dock she should be awarded £50 from public funds.
The trial of this low key drama continues.