Just as an aside , As a youngster I was voracious reader in a home without a lot of books in it so I always read the books my mum and sister brought home too and continued to read book aimed at female readers. I do wonder if this is why I grew up without the rigid 'them and us' feelings most of my male friends had at the time.
Who know it's quite hard to tease out cause and effect.
I know my kids had a very wide range of reading and influences.
All sorts of role models real and imaginary.
No telly for the first few years of their lives, lots of Radio 4 and story tapes.
From William Brown to much more modern stuff.
They certainly don't have any outdated notions about fixed roles for men or women.
In fact they'll even pull me up on the occasional bit of sexism.
Which is very sweet, and hilarious too.