I think it's a bit naive if anyone imagines Twitter was previously rigorously and fairly moderated. It wasn't. It never has been.
I don't want to see Twitter become any more of a cess pit than it is already, but I'm not sure that Musk has ever said there will be no moderation at all. Twitter has certainly long tolerated things like accounts with MAP (minor attracted person, ie paedophile) in the profile, and allowed some very vitriolic content to stand, so the idea that the moderating doesn't follow a particular agenda already is, as I say, naive or disingenuous.
I don't want to see Twitter become any more of a cess pit than it is already, but I'm not sure that Musk has ever said there will be no moderation at all. Twitter has certainly long tolerated things like accounts with MAP (minor attracted person, ie paedophile) in the profile, and allowed some very vitriolic content to stand, so the idea that the moderating doesn't follow a particular agenda already is, as I say, naive or disingenuous.