Bread and Royal Circuses...

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis


Well-Known Member
This apparently is the actual text from the book (but who knows, I certainly don't plan to read it)

The context does show it in rather a different light, with Prince Harry (is he still a Prince, I cannot keep up?) seemingly wrestling with the morality around soldiering. Could have probably made the same points without mentioning the exact number, but it doesn't much sound like bragging when read in context.

Whether the book needed to be written in the first place is probably another question.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
This apparently is the actual text from the book (but who knows, I certainly don't plan to read it)

The context does show it in rather a different light, with Prince Harry (is he still a Prince, I cannot keep up?) seemingly wrestling with the morality around soldiering. Could have probably made the same points without mentioning the exact number, but it doesn't much sound like bragging when read in context.

Whether the book needed to be written in the first place is probably another question.

The media - never letting the truth get in the way of a good headline....

Regarding the book, as Claudine states, anything that brings about the demise of the Royal Family is a good thing. It certainly exposes this family and Institution (feted around the world) as the pointless privilidged sham it is.

Long live the King...but after that, no more....


Epic Member
It's certainly been an interesting phenomenon. So much at play. I remember Will Self once suggesting that the Monarchy should be replaced with paid actors, but in a sense that is what they already are. It's the Truman Show. We are asked to indulge in a sort of fantasy, with the royals obediently playing their part and the media employing a coded double-speak of deferential obsequiousness. Harry's transgression is to break the fourth wall now faces the full wrath from other institutions which live in symbiosis with the Monarchy. The more the RW media attack Harry and Meghan, the more they prove Harry and Meghan's point.


Senior Member
This thing about him having killed 25 people

Thing I don;t understand is that an Apache carries several different types of weapon
the gun is only one

if he was called to protect some soldiers from incoming fire from a building then he would have used a missile - which could have killed several people inside the building and he wouldn't know
He would just see, or get a report, that the incoming fire had stopped

so the concept that he knows he killed 25 is probably either untrue, naive or deliberately blinding himself to reality
any/all of which matches everything else he seems to be saying -


Someone on Twitter was asking where his bodyguard was when he was snorting coke, I was wondering where they were when he was round the back of the pub. :laugh:
From birth they are effectively public property and have to live their entire lives in the spotlight. Fancy having a couple of friends round after school to kick a ball round the park? Not without their parents being vetted and an armed guard hiding in the undergrowth.

They have no choice of career other than the military, no opportunity to make a living for themselves like normal people. Suppose one of them had a hankering to become a builder, or a software engineer, or a tyre fitter. Tough mate, you’re off to Sandhurst.

Gay or lesbian? No you’re not, at least in public. Select your own partner? No, not if you’re in the top echelon unless you’re prepared for all sorts of ordure being dropped on you.

Nearly all zoo animals exhibit behavioural problems and the royals are no different. The cage may be gilded but it’s still a cage.

Look after them, support them during their reintroduction to the real world, but set them free.
Yes, I wouldn't be a royal, for all their money. I'd often wondered if they're allowed to dip their wick, imagine if a slapper from a sink estate gave birth to an heir to the throne conceived up against a wall in a pub car park. :laugh:
Does it mention which pub?
The Rattlebone Inn, Sherston according to the Mail. I wonder if they'll be getting a blue plaque now.
Wonder where Miriam Margolyes was that day???? I'm sure she could come up with some inventive details!
Perhaps invite her on HIGNFY and have Paul Merton ask her. :laugh:

Ian H

Legendary Member
Isn't it the usual role of princes & minor royalty to behave badly? Or 'appallingly' as Charlie would say - after all, he was no exception.


Epic Member
The Rattlebone Inn, Sherston

Aptly named pub


This thing about him having killed 25 people

Thing I don;t understand is that an Apache carries several different types of weapon
the gun is only one

if he was called to protect some soldiers from incoming fire from a building then he would have used a missile - which could have killed several people inside the building and he wouldn't know
He would just see, or get a report, that the incoming fire had stopped

so the concept that he knows he killed 25 is probably either untrue, naive or deliberately blinding himself to reality
any/all of which matches everything else he seems to be saying -
Not necessarily. The rules of proportionality and/or military necessity mean that if it’s only a couple people with guns and they can be clearly targeted using the gun, then that would greatly reduce the risk and scale of any collateral damage. Also, if operating in close proximity to coalition troops, missiles or rockets would be too risky.


I made the mistake of listening to R5 yesterday. The phone-ins are an endless stream of people pronouncing it bad form for military personnel to publicly admit they were able to mentally dehumanise people in order to kill them...

How many of those people have read Brave Two Zero and other true war books.
Or read the many books written about and by WWII fighter pilots?

Apart from a small number, most write in terms of destroying machines rather than killing the enemy even if that was clearly the most likely end result.


Epic Member
Just caught 20 minutes of the ITV interview with Harry. I'm actually surprised at how articulate and intelligent he is. It's quite impressive to watch.


Just caught 20 minutes of the ITV interview with Harry. I'm actually surprised at how articulate and intelligent he is. It's quite impressive to watch.

Unlike Andrew, Harry will have at least rehearsed the interviews and practiced his answers. He is media savvy.
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