Brexit is going wonderfully as shown by these examples

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Legendary Member
Certainly moving to a stronger relationship with the EU in current manifesto, but I have not seen specific words to the effect of reversing Brexit exactly - i.e full membership for the EU, however that is the longer-term aim.

I think all the parties are too worried still about upsetting the people who voted for Brexit. I'm hoping that once Starmer has his boots under the table that we might see some sensible negotiation around freedom of movement, single market etc. It's not something that anyone is going to slap on a manifesto though.
I think all the parties are too worried still about upsetting the people who voted for Brexit. I'm hoping that once Starmer has his boots under the table that we might see some sensible negotiation around freedom of movement, single market etc. It's not something that anyone is going to slap on a manifesto though.

Am hoping too...
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I think all the parties are too worried still about upsetting the people who voted for Brexit. I'm hoping that once Starmer has his boots under the table that we might see some sensible negotiation around freedom of movement, single market etc. It's not something that anyone is going to slap on a manifesto though.

Does not matter now. The ardent Brexit voters are Reform fodder anyway.

the snail

Active Member
Does not matter now. The ardent Brexit voters are Reform fodder anyway.

I think probably the majority of people realise brexit was a stupid idea, badly executed, but would rather chew their own arm off than go through a repeat of the brexit process in reverse. It's pretty clear that Starmer has no intention of doing anything more than tinkering at the edges. He's specifically ruled out any change on the single market, which is the main problem with brexit imo, and there is really no route to fixing that without rejoining the EU.


Nissan is now an anachronism. Fully outside the EU investment has pretty much stopped.
China, I am sure, would have invested massively, for much the same reason Japan did, and before that, the US.


Legendary Member
Haven't heard that one before, but, rather apt. Full of promise, leading to disappointment and disillusionment. ;)
I *think* they were aiming at the notion that a manifesto is the dating profile and how you behave on that first date and is very different to what happens once you are in that relationship where all sorts of stuff changes.

Your idea works too though ;-)
I *think* they were aiming at the notion that a manifesto is the dating profile and how you behave on that first date and is very different to what happens once you are in that relationship where all sorts of stuff changes.

Your idea works too though ;-)

If you get farked on a first date you'll keep on getting farked whether you like it or not....
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