How do you feel about wine and port?
Not that keen. Quite liked Thunderbird back in the day. Or Night Train Express. Is that aged in caves?
How do you feel about wine and port?
Port's nice mixed with Guinness.
Put about half an inch of port in a pint pot and top it up with a can of draught Guinness, delicious. 🍻
F*cking hell, Thunderbird and Night Train?
If we're there, I'll be advocating for Buckfast.
F*cking hell, Thunderbird and Night Train?
If we're there, I'll be advocating for Buckfast.
Special Brew and QC sherry, aka electric soup.
Drinkers of this always looked as if they were aged and slept in caves.
Mix Buckfast with vodka.
2 parts to 1, depending on your preference.
That's electric soup.
Port has no meaning without cheese.
It's 'Bucky' and here is a review of it:-
An ungodly concoction made by seemingly godly men. I believe the Vatican needs to send an exorcist over to Buckfast Abbey as the devil’s works are clearly present there. After tasting this “wine,” the way I feel can only be described as akin to being under a bridge on one’s knees orally pleasing a vagrant while simultaneously drinking liquified meth through a dirty rag.
F*cking hell, Thunderbird and Night Train?
If we're there, I'll be advocating for Buckfast.
I've read that review before, and others which are similar.
It's a fun drink to demonise and slag off, but the reality isn't actually that bad.
Another perfectly good Devon product!
I can't quite see you slumped round the back of Tesco's, smelling of wee.
You're joking.
I thought you had better taste than that.