Good on you! However, certain facts are now spreading their way around t'internet, and quite a lot of people are making conclusions about events that may or may not be correct. Now IM NOT SAYING that black people SHOULD have to be prepared for this sort of rudeness (and they certainly shouldn't need to be wired up). I'm not saying that Marlene doth protest too much, but quite a lot of people are:
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I've been known to be a bit late filing my returns in the past.
No one else here will ever have committed such a heinous crime I'm sure, but there you go - I've said it now..
And just when you were
all thinking I was too much of a 'Goody Two Shoes' to be true.. 🙄
The organisation I volunteer for / am a director of had a massive uplift in grant funding a couple of years back - can't quite remember exactly how many hundreds percentagewise but it was pretty startling.
To the best of my knowledge that came about because one of our number is good at funding bids, and as an organisation we're considered by grant funders to be doing valuable work..
And yes, don't look now, but expenses are incurred when an organisation does stuff..
I may (or may not) have changed my name any number of times, for any number of personal reasons, over the last few years.
However none of the above 'reprehensible' behaviour would likely have come to light if
I had gone to the palace to represent my organisation for some reason.
And why not I hear you enquire.??
Because Lady Wotsherchops wouldn't have dreamt of questioning
me nearly so persistently and obstreperously as to my 'true origin' .
Because it wouldn't have occurred to her to do that, no such exchange would have been witnessed, and I wouldn't have had anything to get upset, about.
And why would this awkward exchange never have occurred.??
Mainly (or quite possibly entirely) because I happen to have considerably less melanin naturally occurring in my epidermis than ms Fulani does...
Tl: dr it's
still racism.