You would think that was pretty obvious from the post.I highlighted your words in bold, perhaps, you didn't notice, so, just those words:
"duty to 'do the right thing' to check that everyone at the reception, knows how to behave themselves,"
perhaps, you mean to say:
"duty to 'do the right thing' to check that all everyone, welcoming guests, at the reception, knows how to behave themselves,"
But funnily enough not, in this case.
Can't think why ??

If you'd like me to pick apart your posts for every possible tiny scintilla of potential misunderstanding by the very hard of thinking, then I'm sure everyone else will be relieved to hear, I'm not up for taking on the task..
I do however look forward to seeing your incisive and detailed critique on a few other folks literary efforts on here.
Oh but no that won't be happening will it.??
Maybe just a little more 'background' encouragement for our resident racist perhaps.??
Almost as brave as Matty boy

Well done you 👍🏼