I cannot speak for all of HK but people are more concerned about getting back to normal after the most stringent anti-covid measures in the world. HK has been essentially shut to the outside world for over 2 years. Also, no-one really wants to see any more demos after 2019 and, it appears, that HKers are quite happy with the quiet.
HKers are also quite pissed at the USA using HK as a weapon in their spat with China, started by Trump. This was a fight that we never wanted to be part of. The level of repression on the mainland is a worry, as it may creep here, as well as the 'Patriots running Hong Kong' policy. Tiannanmen Square memorials have been removed, wrongly. The proposed 'Patriotic Education Plan' worried many but seems to have been put on hold, for now.
We are not being repressed. We are not having a humanitarian crisis, as stated by HRW but not everything's perfect.
HK was a warzone in 2019 and I never want to see that again.
SCMP.com is your best bet for more balanced reporting in HK, and the comments sections are still as feisty as ever. Also, do not believe anything written in the Guardian about HK, they've gone full Daily Mail when it comes to us. Some of their stories are just nuts.