When you are the Police telling the truth is quite important, especially if you want the public you are supposed to serve to trust you.
This is the problem..
The contract of trust is broken, even if it was ever there..
I was on my way from our food n farming rally in Parliament Square yesterday and just backed myself up against the wall to check on my phone where I was supposed to be meeting friends later .
I was approached by two (male) Met officers who asked me what my intentions were, was I anything to do with XR, did I have any paint in my bag etc etc
I deflected most of their unwarranted questions and worked the conversation around to 'best route to Soho' , but they still made me feel uncomfortable, unecessarily intruded upon.
And that's me as a 'well spoken' middle aged white woman - the 'sort' usually fairly immune to harassment by the police ...
If I feel uncomfortable in their presence, then I can only imagine how little trust those less privileged, and far more vulnerable, feel in this 'force'.