That simplistic presentation would suggest that black people are more disposed to committing crime than white people, which sounds rather dodgy terrotory to me.
No it's what the current figures show. figures don't account for reasons, made up reasons or accuses.
Not to mention the institutional racism present within the police that will see white suspects being treated differently to black suspects.
How do we measure that? and how about black against black racism? Or racism from black organizations so they can secure grants? All benefit from creating a bigger problem and enlarging whatever racism problem their might be.(and no i'm not denying there are racisms problems. )
I think the biggest driver of crime is poverty and deprivation, and it is black and minority ethnic communities which are most affected by this.
No can see it in other populations too, but the solution isn't claiming their poor and deprived, it's part of it sure but the thing that has happened now and is 100x worse in the US is that young black people have two career choices one is go to school and learn something and be something in the future and the other is be part of a gang and be something, be protected etc. it's not strange they feel attracted it offers instant rewards, whilst following the path of learning something has much more hiccups.(well the hiccup career criminals face often ends in death)
Add to that they these days also have a podium and it's not strange at all to see the appeal.
If poor and deprived would be the cause then their path in criminality would be the solution because criminals brag about their expensive cars lavish lifestyle etc. the problem is these criminals only can exist if the pyramid stays alive, and the pyramid only stays alive if it gets fresh recruits, which conveniently for them often is quite easy in a neighborhood with 80& black population. They feed on exploiting existing distrust, stories about not getting an fair chance etc. etc. as long as they are not called out for it but instead more often get a podium and let their family members cry crocodile tears in front of number 10, how about the families of all of his victims? (regardless of ethnicity but most likely mostly black) (and yes i don't believe his family didn't knew about his criminal background)
Needless to say it is still a very small portion of the black population but nonetheless a serious problem.
They are also more likely to be the victim of serious crime than other groups (pro rata). There are plenty of black people on social media who are supportive of the police action in this case and very much despise the urban gang culture which affects them and their children far more than it does the rest of us.