I very much agree this is how it ought to be. Social media being a Kindergarten.
That said do we not have a generation who are addicted to this, whose lives revolve around it. A generation who cannot distinguish fact from fiction, news from fake news.
Social media can indeed do damage in the real world. Think cancel culture, the divisiveness of wokeism, the insanity of sexual ideologies. The suppression of dissenting opinions so you are enabled to live in a world where you only hear what you want to.
I for one am still sceptical of the doomsday predictions related to climate change as they seem to me to be the product of group think and the suppression of dissenting opinions. Not least on twitter.
So, happy new year to everybody.
You seem to have omitted the widespread availability of pornography, particularly violent pornography - and the popularity of right wing misogynists influencers such as Tate, who has millions of credulous 'followes' who pay him for his life advice on how to regard women - the fact that he has been arrested and detained on sex trafficking charges - real world stuff .
Incel culture, white supremacists and many other highly problematic groups to be found on the internet.
Shep has told his kids that bits of the internet aren't very nice, so they should stay away.
Phew, so there's absolutely no chance whatsoever that any of the attitudes to be found there could possibly spill over into their lives.. (such as the normalising of 'rough sex' which has lead to the deaths of several women)
The scenario we face with global heating isn't 'group think' it's group science.
Dissenting opinions overwhelming come from those who want to see business (and their own profits) as usual
Fwiw I'm not even on twitter .
It seems to be routinely derided as a source, but it's populated by real people, many of whom give up their time freely to disseminate information from the real world.
Plus there's Berks like Tate, who was banned and then came back.
Decided to try to bait a young climate change campaigner, for some pathetic reason, but then rather satisfyingly shafted himself with his own tiny d*ck energy.
Whilst exposing the nasty dark and putrid underbelly of online promotion of misogyny, that surprisingly many people had chosen to pretend they had absolutely no idea about ..🙄