Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
In school history class in the early 90s we studied the Vietnam War. That was 18 years after the evacuation of Saigon and would be equivalent to studying the events of 2005 today.

We are so very old.


Most people are average unless you haven't noticed, I suppose that's your problem you think you're not.

Why is it ok for women on this forum to accuse men of getting all hot and bothered* about something but not ok the other way round?

Yes, perhaps mathematically 🤔 but still some are exceedingly middle of the road 🙏🏼

*You can accuse all you like, but be prepared also, for being wrong and being told as much 👌🏼


Well-Known Member
Yes, perhaps mathematically 🤔 but still some are exceedingly middle of the road 🙏🏼

*You can accuse all you like, but be prepared also, for being wrong and being told as much 👌🏼

Most people are average unless you haven't noticed, I suppose that's your problem you think you're not.

As a pedantic maths point, the average doesn't mean most people in any of the three main methods of averaging.


As a pedantic maths point, the average doesn't mean most people in any of the three main methods of averaging.

I was tempted to come over all pedantic on that point too..

But given I'd not used the word originally in a mathematical context, that wouldn't really have been fair..

And you know how very much I like to play fair 😇


Dude, the 70's are last millennium....

I have a daughter (14) who views the 90's as a mysterious bygone era. Nothing like a teenager in the house to make you feel old.

Basically anything before you were born is ancient history when you are young.


Master of the Inane Comment
You seem to have omitted the widespread availability of pornography, particularly violent pornography - and the popularity of right wing misogynists influencers ... white supremacists and many other highly problematic groups to be found on the internet.
I agree the unhealthy spectrum covered by social media crosses traditional political boundaries. The porn stuff predates social media, but cancel culture and dissemination of fake news on such a large scale is a more recent phenomenon, although of course ultimately there is nothing new under the sun. (Or Sun!)
The scenario we face with global heating isn't 'group think' it's group science.
Same thing. I haven't forgotten climategate which clearly revealed group think going on.
Dissenting opinions overwhelming come from those who want to see business (and their own profits) as usual
I have become more sceptical of some of the sceptics over recent years, but although what you say may well be true, it is also true that there is fortune to be had in research grants for anything to do with global warming. That balance seems to be missing in discussions of the role of money in this.

I used to skim read WUWT for years until I got fed up with it. I find Judith Curry a bit more balanced. It bothers me the amount of fear-mongering going on - after all, it is easy to control people if they are scared stiff and feel they need saving from imminent disaster.

My own observation here is that the younger element making their voices heard in the media, especially TV are all girls. The public face is female. I have only ever seen one exception to this - I wasn't looking for this I suddenly noticed it. You can argue whether there is any significance to this, but if the doomsday predictions start to look as though they are exaggerated, will this ever become known if such apparent 'dissenting opinion' is perceived to be against girl power (Frauenpower here!). There are other agendas at work here regardless whether the science or predictions prove true or not.


I agree the unhealthy spectrum covered by social media crosses traditional political boundaries. The porn stuff predates social media, but cancel culture and dissemination of fake news on such a large scale is a more recent phenomenon, although of course ultimately there is nothing new under the sun. (Or Sun!)
Tell me more about this 'cancel culture,' nasty views are all over the interwebs, and elsewhere.

Do you think the likes of Tate should be allowed to carry on spreading their message of hate unchecked.
In the name of 'free speech'??
Same thing. I haven't forgotten climategate which clearly revealed group think going on.

I have become more sceptical of some of the sceptics over recent years, but although what you say may well be true, it is also true that there is fortune to be had in research grants for anything to do with global warming. That balance seems to be missing in discussions of the role of money in this.
There really isn't a fortune to be made in climate research..
I personally know some climate researchers they are not on big bucks

There are still however very big bucks in fossil fuels.

I used to skim read WUWT for years until I got fed up with it. I find Judith Curry a bit more balanced. It bothers me the amount of fear-mongering going on - after all, it is easy to control people if they are scared stiff and feel they need saving from imminent disaster.

I only wish people would act as if this was a problem that needs tackling now - well years ago in fact - but even acting faster now could save us a few tenths of degrees of warming, and thereby a lot of suffering and loss.

Climate change is happening now, the evidence is clear.
Action is needed now.
My own observation here is that the younger element making their voices heard in the media, especially TV are all girls. The public face is female. I have only ever seen one exception to this - I wasn't looking for this I suddenly noticed it. You can argue whether there is any significance to this, but if the doomsday predictions start to look as though they are exaggerated, will this ever become known if such apparent 'dissenting opinion' is perceived to be against girl power (Frauenpower here!). There are other agendas at work here regardless whether the science or predictions prove true or not.
Some of more prominent (or visible) climate activists happen to be women you think that's an issue.?
It's certainly not the case that all are, and they're certainly not 'protected' from getting really nasty responses..

You should see the amount of misogyny young women such as Greta get online, and any other woman who dares speak about this stuff.
I've had it happen to me frequently..

It's as if some guys egos really can't cope with a woman daring to stand up and speak up for necessary change.


Well-Known Member
Same thing. I haven't forgotten climategate which clearly revealed group think going on.

ClimateGate was a hack of thousands of climate science emails where the "smoking gun" was a conversation about tree-ring data. I believe that tree-ring data has inaccuracies in later years compared with verified temperature readings that is still a mystery.

The conspiracy theorists and climate change deniers jumped onto this, took one email exchange out of context and managed to throw enough fud around to set up climate science back years.
My own observation here is that the younger element making their voices heard in the media, especially TV are all girls. The public face is female. I have only ever seen one exception to this - I wasn't looking for this I suddenly noticed it. You can argue whether there is any significance to this, but if the doomsday predictions start to look as though they are exaggerated, will this ever become known if such apparent 'dissenting opinion' is perceived to be against girl power (Frauenpower here!). There are other agendas at work here regardless whether the science or predictions prove true or not.

Do you think there’s a disproportionate number of dark faces and same sex couples on TV too? The prospect of the pale, male, and stale losing their de facto authority is scary, isn’t it?

Deleted member 28

Yes, perhaps mathematically 🤔 but still some are exceedingly middle of the road 🙏🏼

*You can accuse all you like, but be prepared also, for being wrong and being told as much 👌🏼

Again, aren't most people 'middle of the road ' so for you to accuse me of being such is hardly an insult.


Again, aren't most people 'middle of the road ' so for you to accuse me of being such is hardly an insult.

Why would I need to insult you?

You tell on yourself quite often enough -
there's really no need for me to help out.
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