Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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I feel the same about education.

Me too

Rusty Nails

Country Member
I don't feel personal guilt but I do feel anger as it's not true to say that the consequences of burning all those fossil fuels wasn't known about.

The oil corps did their own research, predicted global heating then sat on the evidence, and derided and dismissed any attempts by others to raise the alarm.

And stood in the way of a transition to renewables that could have been happening much sooner to avert some of the current crises.

They are doing and knowingly have done extensive criminal damage to our ecosystems .

Most of the global.population has been locked, willingly or not, into complicity by the power they leverage.

But it's not true to say 'we didn't know' the information has been there for decades.

It just wasn't convenient to act on it.

How many decades?

We may have different definitions of historic.


I gave my kids the very same advice and they turned out pretty OK thanks, if people are so easily influenced by the Internet it's them that need talking to.

Perhaps your blood pressure would come down a bit if you took a twitter break?

I wonder if your kids have taken on your same attitude that anything outside of themselves is nothing to do with them ??

That they can neither be influenced by anything, nor can they have any influence themselves. ??

Of course all the dear daddies think / hope / wish that their dear children could never be subject to, or protagonists of abuse.

That they are far too strong in character, morals, sturdy upbringing and so forth.

But sadly the world is rather over populated by misogynistic, chauvinistic types who don't really give a stuff about anyone else..
Can't be bothered to, or don't want to think about it.

I mean, why should they care..??

It also turns out some of these daddies (Tate included).are actually spreading and excusing, or at least ignoring this stuff themselves.

I'm not on twitter btw, my blood pressure is just fine 👍🏼

How many decades?

We may have different definitions of historic.

Since the sixties, at least ..


Well-Known Member
How many decades?

We may have different definitions of historic.

ExxonMobile had research showing global warming as a consequence of burning fossil fuels in the late 70's. A fair while before it became common knowledge.

The fossil fuel companies at one time were leading the way in research into climate change until they decided that simply covering it up was a far cheaper solution to the problem. Then, once the knowledge couldn't be contained they spent vast fortunes influencing policy and "green washing".

A great example of this is "carbon footprint". A concept which was promoted by BP. Which seems odd at first glance - why would a huge oil company highlight consequences of using their product. Until you realise that it is a wonderful smoke screen. Whilst we are all busy squabbling over our carbon footprint and pointing fingers shouting "hypocrite" at those who promote change, they are busy funneling billions into making sure the framework that allows them to pollute remains intact whilst also drawing attention away from their own massive corporate carbon footprints.

The vast profits being made by oil and gas companies at the moment will continue to delay any action. The money that isn't fed back into shareholders and corporate bonus schemes will be funneled into making sure that they maintain the status quo. What won't benefit is the investment in alternatives to their product. Sure the oil and gas companies say they invest in this, and they do - to the extent that allows them some good publicity and an argument against windfall taxation but compared with their profits and the investment they put into their traditional fuels, their investment in renewables is a drop in the ocean.


ExxonMobile had research showing global warming as a consequence of burning fossil fuels in the late 70's. A fair while before it became common knowledge.

The fossil fuel companies at one time were leading the way in research into climate change until they decided that simply covering it up was a far cheaper solution to the problem. Then, once the knowledge couldn't be contained they spent vast fortunes influencing policy and "green washing".

A great example of this is "carbon footprint". A concept which was promoted by BP. Which seems odd at first glance - why would a huge oil company highlight consequences of using their product. Until you realise that it is a wonderful smoke screen. Whilst we are all busy squabbling over our carbon footprint and pointing fingers shouting "hypocrite" at those who promote change, they are busy funneling billions into making sure the framework that allows them to pollute remains intact whilst also drawing attention away from their own massive corporate carbon footprints.

The vast profits being made by oil and gas companies at the moment will continue to delay any action. The money that isn't fed back into shareholders and corporate bonus schemes will be funneled into making sure that they maintain the status quo. What won't benefit is the investment in alternatives to their product. Sure the oil and gas companies say they invest in this, and they do - to the extent that allows them some good publicity and an argument against windfall taxation but compared with their profits and the investment they put into their traditional fuels, their investment in renewables is a drop in the ocean.

Yup the old 'carbon footprint' trick..

Subtly - or even not so subtly implying that tackling this, is all down to the individual with their individual boot.

Most of this has to be systemic change, at govermental and industry level -

Albeit. supported (one would hope) at an individual / regional / national / global level..

But you still routinely get goofballs going
"Yeah but you're a hypocrite, you've got a.tractor' so you can't claim to want agricultural emissions cleaned up.."

Or variations on that theme..

Deleted member 28

I wonder if your kids have taken on your same attitude that anything outside of themselves is nothing to do with them ??

That they can neither be influenced by anything, nor can they have any influence themselves. ??

Of course all the dear daddies think / hope / wish that their dear children could never be subject to, or protagonists of abuse.

That they are far too strong in character, morals, sturdy upbringing and so forth.

But sadly the world is rather over populated by misogynistic, chauvinistic types who don't really give a stuff about anyone else..
Can't be bothered to, or don't want to think about it.

I mean, why should they care..??

It also turns out some of these daddies (Tate included).are actually spreading and excusing, or at least ignoring this stuff themselves.

I'm not on twitter btw, my blood pressure is just fine 👍🏼

Since the sixties, at least ..

Your knickers getting a bit twisted are they, ears steaming and turning a bit pink?

Deleted member 28

I wonder if your kids have taken on your same attitude that anything outside of themselves is nothing to do with them ??

Oh I think my kids are both well aware of what goes on around them, Lads a prison officer in YOI where they stab each other for something to do and the Daughter works in a nursery where they have kids ranging from RAF wing commander offspring to kids that were born addicted to heroin so they don't need to read what some nobody on the internet posts.


Your knickers getting a bit twisted are they, ears steaming and turning a bit pink?

Nope I'm absolutely fine thanks.
And do spare us all your underwear fantasies.

I come across guys like you, who think they bear no responsibility for their behaviour all the time..
You're a very average, and all too commonly found specimen, I'm afraid 🙄

Men trying to make out that a woman is 'getting all mad' about stuff when she bothers to point things out that they don't like hearing is a tired old trope.

You could try another tack mate, but I'm doubting you've got anything particularly original up your (short) sleeve .

Deleted member 28

You seem to have omitted the widespread availability of pornography, particularly violent pornography - and the popularity of right wing misogynists influencers such as Tate, who has millions of credulous 'followes' who pay him for his life advice on how to regard women - the fact that he has been arrested and detained on sex trafficking charges - real world stuff .
Incel culture, white supremacists and many other highly problematic groups to be found on the internet.

Shep has told his kids that bits of the internet aren't very nice, so they should stay away.
Phew, so there's absolutely no chance whatsoever that any of the attitudes to be found there could possibly spill over into their lives.. (such as the normalising of 'rough sex' which has lead to the deaths of several women)

The scenario we face with global heating isn't 'group think' it's group science.

Dissenting opinions overwhelming come from those who want to see business (and their own profits) as usual

Fwiw I'm not even on twitter .

It seems to be routinely derided as a source, but it's populated by real people, many of whom give up their time freely to disseminate information from the real world.

Plus there's Berks like Tate, who was banned and then came back.
Decided to try to bait a young climate change campaigner, for some pathetic reason, but then rather satisfyingly shafted himself with his own tiny d*ck energy.

Whilst exposing the nasty dark and putrid underbelly of online promotion of misogyny, that surprisingly many people had chosen to pretend they had absolutely no idea about ..🙄

And you take notice of this because?
Nope I'm absolutely fine thanks.
And do spare us all your underwear fantasies.

I come across guys like you, who think they bear no responsibility for their behaviour all the time..
You're a very average, and all too commonly found specimen, I'm afraid 🙄

Men trying to make out that a woman is 'getting all mad' about stuff when she bothers to point things out that they don't like hearing is a tired old trope.

You could try another tack mate, but I'm doubting you've got anything particularly original up your (short) sleeve .

Most people are average unless you haven't noticed, I suppose that's your problem you think you're not.

Why is it ok for women on this forum to accuse men of getting all hot and bothered about something but not ok the other way round?

Rusty Nails

Country Member
ExxonMobile had research showing global warming as a consequence of burning fossil fuels in the late 70's. A fair while before it became common knowledge.

The fossil fuel companies at one time were leading the way in research into climate change until they decided that simply covering it up was a far cheaper solution to the problem. Then, once the knowledge couldn't be contained they spent vast fortunes influencing policy and "green washing".

A great example of this is "carbon footprint". A concept which was promoted by BP. Which seems odd at first glance - why would a huge oil company highlight consequences of using their product. Until you realise that it is a wonderful smoke screen. Whilst we are all busy squabbling over our carbon footprint and pointing fingers shouting "hypocrite" at those who promote change, they are busy funneling billions into making sure the framework that allows them to pollute remains intact whilst also drawing attention away from their own massive corporate carbon footprints.

The vast profits being made by oil and gas companies at the moment will continue to delay any action. The money that isn't fed back into shareholders and corporate bonus schemes will be funneled into making sure that they maintain the status quo. What won't benefit is the investment in alternatives to their product. Sure the oil and gas companies say they invest in this, and they do - to the extent that allows them some good publicity and an argument against windfall taxation but compared with their profits and the investment they put into their traditional fuels, their investment in renewables is a drop in the ocean.

No arguments from me about the fossil fuel companies' complicity in all this.

It must be an age thing as I still regard the 60s and 70s as modern times rather than history.


No arguments from me about the fossil fuel companies' complicity in all this.

It must be an age thing as I still regard the 60s and 70s as modern times rather than history.

I was a bit taken aback when my kids started studying the miners strike in history..

Anything that's happened already is history..
That's how time general.

Unless you start talking to those time bending physicists - but I'd advise against that on the whole..
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