Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Seems I misjudged you BL; you really can fit into the NACA mainstream! Asking blatantly leading questions, then when they're shot down come back with:
"I merely asked a simple question!"


High praise indeed, from a master such as yourself ;)

I think I would have to refine my insult skills to really fit in however, and, that is not really me, I am afraid, so, I am destined to be, forever, an outcast. ☹️

Deleted member 121

I think I would have to refine my insult skills to really fit in however, and, that is not really me, I am afraid

Pah, don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing alright for a frightened bloke...


High praise indeed, from a master such as yourself ;)

I think I would have to refine my insult skills to really fit in however, and, that is not really me, I am afraid, so, I am destined to be, forever, an outcast. ☹️

Never mind Bolders, at least you get to squat on the sidelines and cheerlead your favourites. 👍🏼😉

I mean it does come across a bit (very much) like the bully boys sidekick from school, loving all the aggro, but not actually being brave enough to come out with any it yourself. 😉

And then trying to pretend that you find all this conflict "Oh so difficult to cope with, and isn't it a shame that people can't be nicer?"

Fwiw I got an 'A' at 'O' level English (both sorts) 💃

Ian H

Legendary Member
Never mind Bolders, at least you get to squat on the sidelines and cheerlead your favourites. 👍🏼😉

I mean it does come across a bit (very much) like the bully boys sidekick from school, loving all the aggro, but not actually being brave enough to come out with any it yourself. 😉

And then trying to pretend that you find all this conflict "Oh so difficult to cope with, and isn't it a shame that people can't be nicer?"

Fwiw I got an 'A' at 'O' level English (both sorts) 💃

Far be it for me to boast, but I did pass 3 English O-levels. Can't remember what grades though.

Perhaps when I'm really old and dementia is setting in, I'll become grumpy and vaguely right-wing in an incoherent way.
(Waits for the predictably sarcastic response from Matticus)


Far be it for me to boast, but I did pass 3 English O-levels. Can't remember what grades though.

Perhaps when I'm really old and dementia is setting in, I'll become grumpy and vaguely right-wing in an incoherent way.
(Waits for the predictably sarcastic response from Matticus)
Oooh interesting ..

Which was the third sort ?



Ian H

Legendary Member
Oooh interesting ..

Which was the third sort ?



Another Language, but a year early. My school wanted to remain accredited to both Oxford & Cambridge exam boards, but needed a minimum number for each, so a few gifted :angel: 4th formers were entered for the Oxford one. I think I did Art a year early as well.
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Another Language, but a year early. My school wanted to remain accredited to both Oxford & Cambridge exam boards, but needed a minimum number for each, so a few gifted :angel: 5th formers were entered for the Oxford one. I think I did Art a year early as well.

Thinking about it I did Eng Lang a year earlier too.

But seem to remember that once was considered enough.. 🌈

Ian H

Legendary Member
Seems odd that 'U' explicitly stood for something whereas the others??

A ace??
B better than C
C See?? At least I passed
D derr
E 'elp !!!


Some were numbered, others lettered. I can't remember which mine were. I think the A-levels were letter-graded.


Does this belong here ( or in one of the general Slagging off the Tories threads)? Anyway:

A former Conservative minister failed to declare she held more than £70,000 in Shell shares while she was environment secretary. Theresa Villiers admitted her shareholding in the oil and gas company in her latest update to the register of members' financial interests. former Conservative minister failed,register of members' financial interests.

Quelle surprise. 🙄
Some amazing telepathy going on here. Just PERHAPS those seeking more social equity globally HAVE realised that we could live with less "stuff", and that can be achieved at the same time as less childhood misery (for example) in the 3rd world.

Simplistic example; all those charity ads saying "For just the price of a coffee a week ..."; and in fact you CAN do a huuge amount overseas with such small sums.
You known there is an women form the 3rd world, very smart and she wrote an book which comes down the the following ''we need to stop funding the third world is we really want them to prosper, were now mainly funding the dictators.
(Which like we see in Niger than turn to Wagner and or Russia to overthrows their government)

What makes you known better than someone actually living/have grown up there?

Yes, but if we do nothing they will largely be irrelevant. He who dies with the most toys is still dead.
Have you got any facts to back that statement? I ask that because last time someone was asked that on the telly(which i saw on youtube) it turned out to be much of an if if if claim, and more based on assumptions then clear facts. (the IPCC doesn't say that either)
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