you say that based on what exactly?Yes. And at 20 you are 7 times safer than 30mph.
No because drivers feel they can do more behind the wheel as they are going slow anyway and have time to react, so your chances of getting hit might actually increase because a driver playing/texting/watching something on his phone takes much longer to react then a driver going 30 and paying attention to the road.And you have much more time to react at 20 mph, so the chances of being hit must be lower as well.
It's not that i'm against these 20 zones i just don't like all the silly arguments for it, i mean yes there are quite a few places where 30 is too fast or let's on the higher side of the limit. But let's also not pretend that the average quality of driving goes up by 80% or more of you decrease the speed by 10. The average driving style is still pretty sh*te so it ain't gonna do no miracles unfortunately.
In the Netherlands they did similar in the 70's speeds where slightly different but that's not the point in the 80'' they found out it didn't significantly change much, then they started improving driving lessons, with more attention for things around you in a car, more attention for blind spots often have etc. etc. They also started younger with cycling lessons in schools, not only about learning to cycle(which was already provided prior) but also about how to respond, communicate and safely drive throughout traffic.
And yes road layouts are safer too, but that's more because it is demand meets function instead of function tries to create demand, like some (intended) cycle friendly crossings in the uk are made.
so tldr still a long way to go sadly.