Part of it is the raising of the school leaving age to 16. Kids get more disaffected with school as they age so leaving at 14 meant many never quite got to the school refuser stage. Another is that much more effort is made on attendance now.
There have always been non attenders but in the past they slipped through the net. It's a big deal for Ofsted and school ratings now though. I remember kids at my high school who never did a full week and others who stopped attending altogether at 15/16. Only half hearted attempts to chase them up were made whereas now many schools will have their own Educational Welfare Officer rather than one bod doing 3 or 4 schools.
Yes, parents do have ultimate responsibility but there are loads of reasons why kids don't attend. Feckless parenting is one reason among many and even that is not necessarily confined to the disadvantaged and working class.
There have always been non attenders but in the past they slipped through the net. It's a big deal for Ofsted and school ratings now though. I remember kids at my high school who never did a full week and others who stopped attending altogether at 15/16. Only half hearted attempts to chase them up were made whereas now many schools will have their own Educational Welfare Officer rather than one bod doing 3 or 4 schools.
Yes, parents do have ultimate responsibility but there are loads of reasons why kids don't attend. Feckless parenting is one reason among many and even that is not necessarily confined to the disadvantaged and working class.