Again, show me where anyone has said ALL people from council estates are scumbags, but you know this.
Just catching up on this thread but this stood out to me
never seen this said in writing
but I have heard it many times
with context normally "everyone from THAT estate is a scumbag - they are ALL druggies and whores and [whatever]"
This especially applied to an estate that was very close to where I used to live - literally over a wall from the 'posh' estate I lived on
quite a few people informed us that everyone living there was a scumbag - using whatever tersm we appropraite to them
FUnny thing was that over half of my daughter school was from that estate and hence we visited the houses of their parents for kid pick ups and all that
Also - she went to a play group which was on 'that estate' and the people we met from the estate were just fine - a bit "rough and ready" maybe but fine
There were a lot of druggies on that estate - a very senior Police Office was heavily criticised for commenting that he wouldn;t let his kids anywhere near there in case they got AIDS from treading on a discarded needle!!!!!
but overall that was a minority
Anyway - to get closer to the thread title
WHen I was teaching out catchement area was way worse that the estate I lived next to - actually officially the most deprived area in EUROPE at the time!
When the kids reached Year 11 their expected GCSE result loomed large on the teachers' radar
WHen I say 'extected GCSE result' you might think it is based on previous test results and assessments - but no
it was based on an assessment by an external organisation that had been very successful in predicting GCSE result over the whole country
It was all based on - to some extent SATS results and the like - but a lot was on family circumstances and where they lived and stuff live that
It a kid was from a broken home on a bad estate in a deprived area and was on Free School Meals and had a disabled parent - then they would be predicted to get D's and E's at GCSE
Hence, if that was what they were looking to get then the teachers were under pressure to let them coast and concentrate on other kids that were from 'better homes' in nice areas with married parents living together - who would be predicted to get As and Bs
Thing is - this all works statistically across the whole country - and even county. But it doesn;t work too well when applied to individual kids
I had a class with a lazy a******e of a boy who was down to get As but I would be surprised if he managed to spell his name right on the exam paper - I had his predicted grade as an E
anotehr kid was down for an F but was working like he would get a D - I was trying everything to help him because some help and encouragement could get him up to a C which would be in the magic "A* to C" band and would help him a lot in college admission and job seeking
But I was "encouraged" to forget him and help the lazy whatsit because he should be getting a C or above - but never would
The same applies to truancy - people (people like the Tories) like to have people in nice boxes
He's from 'THAT' estate - scumbag
Good Bloke that - rich family went to public school - gotta trust him
Judge people by what they do and how they think - not by where they come from
Oh - hang on - the topic
same thing applies to truancy - don;t just judge them by what they are doing and why - not just the surface stuff