I'm no more of an expert in mouldew as the other guy, but you kind of missing the point, i was responding to @icowden who said 10 billion to waste is not so much compared to other projects that lead to billions being wasted. I disagree with that opinion because just because the government wastes money on Y doesn't mean they should also waste it on X right? MildewMouldew/black mould whatever they call it is what you gonna get if you concentrate on insulation , no matter how many surveyors and architects you hire.(and it's isn't just an issue of bad insulation, not enough ventilation can cause it too for example)I'm no expert but I imagine you'd spend some of the 10bn on hiring some surveyors and architects and the like to make sure you did it properly.
In fact if you look at the IB website...
Assuming that you are, with your in depth knowledge on the subject of 'mouldew', a member of said industry, why don't you volunteer to help? You could really make a difference.
That is part of my point altough it not part of the original topic, if you really want to make houses better, you need to do more than just calculate how much it would cost to insulate all, you need to calculate how much it cost to make then all as energy efficient as possible, and while your on it how the change the source of heating etc. etc. @farfromtheland made a few suggestions in this topic and others.
I don't know about you but even if Boris would sign off the 10 billion wasting of money plans tommorow assuming he is not fired by then, it won't be done by this winter, and probably not by the next either.That's pretty daft, even by your standards. With gas prices set to soar, the payback on insulation will be much quicker. And insulation reduces condensation. Insulate Britain are right on the money imo.
Insulation only works properly if it's done under the best circumstances, so that means that insulating an house you need to start building and therefore is developed with maximum insulation properties in mind, will be better insulated then just whacking insulation materials in an building they build 80 years ago.
That is where that 10 Billion pound number is based on.(not my number/calculations but insulate brittians.. poor Scots and Wales and North Irish persons are left in the cold... Talking about pretty daft campaigning for an incomplete solution but leaving parts of the ''united'' kingdom out..)
However if you take that same 80 year old building and you start looking in what need to be improved first, you can get pretty close to that insulation level of the new build. However it's questionable whether then 10 billion number will be even close by what it's needed. And a other thing, before committing to something ti might be worth i don't know making a plan?
BTW, Condensation can come from bad insulation but even with the best insulation you will have condensation if no one ever opens an window or ventilates it's one of those issues that can have multiple causes.