Gender again. Sorry!

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Multi, just lashing out because labour are continuing with Cass, blocking puberty blockers

They're just a pause, remember. As Tooly says
' puberty blockers were reversible and bought the patient some time'. Time to get bone damage and infertility.



I know, you revel in your own superiority :biggrin:

I don't revel in it, because it really isn't much of an achievement

Yet time and time again you come back for more :okay:

I was here before you. And yet again this exchange was initiated by you replying to me

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Legendary Member
Just be honest and say you want unisex spaces. Stop pretending some men are special.

It isn't that some 'men' are special; it is that most men are innocent. Once you get to process that every person has the right to presumption of innocence, then you'll realise just how farked up this moral panic crusade is.


I think what CXR is doing is unwittingly showing us the process by which he was radicalised; viewing an incessant stream of anecdotal shîte on the Internet.

It started off as his little joke, spamming us with Libs of TikTok, or WTF it was, but through osmosis he has come to believe it, and seated within him is now a cult belief system. He can't yet mention it to his wife, family or friends, but in time he will, and he will lose them as they distance themselves.

It's not as refined a belief system as Aurora's, as she is more trained. Indeed, she comes here to practise her arguments on a daily basis. But it isn't just practice. It is also a sort of incantation, because it isn't just us she is trying to convince.
It isn't that some 'men' are special; it is that most men are innocent. Once you get to process that every person has the right to presumption of innocence, then you'll realise just how farked up this moral panic crusade is.

Then every space and service should be unisex. Be consistent. If we don't know which men are a risk, even though we do know being male is the risk, then you should be arguing for unisex everything, whether it's changing rooms, domestic violence refuges, rape crisis centres or whatever. You aren't though. You are arguing for some men to have privilieges and some not to.


Legendary Member
Then every space and service should be unisex. Be consistent. If we don't know which men are a risk, even though we do know being male is the risk, then you should be arguing for unisex everything, whether it's changing rooms, domestic violence refuges, rape crisis centres or whatever. You aren't though. You are arguing for some men to have privilieges and some not to.

No I'm not. I'm saying that trans women with a GRC are women because the law says so. What you are saying is that you don't care what the law says because there is Aurora law which gives her permission to illegally discriminate against others, ignoring their human rights including the presumption of innocence.

You are placing your opinion above international and domestic law without evidence to back up your claims.

One minute you are saying that there is no evidence that puberty blockers are safe. Well OK, but where is this evidence that trans women with a GRC are harming women in changing rooms and toilets? Apart from one or two outlier cases that you've trawled across the globe using the internet, you actually have nothing of any substance.

All you are able to point to is some other women with sufficient money and platform on social media who also get themselves into the mainstream media, none of whom are truly expert, but just self-appointed gobshites who are unable to tell the truth.

You've whined endlessly about what you want for you without any consideration of the people that it affects. You insult their identity in every post you make without any reflection on the kind of person that makes you. But you are the real victim of course, because again you say so.
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Why just advocate for women only spaces for public toilets and refuges? Why not everywhere? Work? Schools? Homes?

These are the places where assaults happen.
Work and schools aren't particularly places of male violence or abuse on women because they are mostly open and women aren't isolated or vulnerable in them. You know this obviously.

We do know male violence and abuse happens more at home because that is where there are more opportunities. What you seek to do is create even more opportunities.

Nobody thinks 11 year old boys are all rapists but you'd be the first complaining if schools said all Year 7 kids had to get changed for swimming together.

You seek privileges for a few special males who are magically different from all the others.
No I'm not. I'm saying that trans women with a GRC are women because the law says so.
As we've seen endless times, in UK law there are times when men with a GRC can be treated according to their sex, not their chosen gender. You seek to undermine this law.

This transwoman had a GRC in Ireland. Despite having 15 convictions, including putting a woman in a coma, they were placed in a women's homeless hostel and held in remand in a women's prison.

This is wrong and people who object have every right to object.

You are placing your opinion above international and domestic law without evidence to back up your claims.
The risk men pose to women is well established. There are no special men who are exempt from safeguarding. You seek to undermine the safeguarding laws that are already in place.

One minute you are saying that there is no evidence that puberty blockers are safe. Well OK, but where is this evidence that trans women with a GRC are harming women in changing rooms and toilets?

They are men. The same safeguarding should apply to transwomen as to other men. Where's your evidence that these men are magically different from others? The crime stats show they aren't different.

(Edited to correct the number of convictions. It was 15 not 22).
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Having entered in the Women's category, even though Gran Frondo race rules don't allow self ID, male rider Shayla Pfaffe took second place last week.


Fortunately once this came to light...


From 37th in the Men's to 2nd in the Women's. That's male body advantage.


Über Member
This transwoman had a GRC in Ireland. Despite having 22 convictions, including putting a woman in a coma, they were placed in a women's homeless hostel and held in remand in a women's prison.

This is wrong and people who object have every right to object.
Does the fact that you, as you've already pointed out, don't like Irish law have anything to do with this? Legally she is a woman, whatever you say. And the law of the land says she has to be treated the same as every other woman.

Does the fact that the other woman started the argument make any difference. The report states the Garda, who will have been reading from the statement taken from her.

You'll note that the paper and their reporters have stuck to the law. Why don't you try.
It cost one of their reporters her life a few years ago now. But they've made a point of reporting factually over the years. Not hysterical news reporting.
I don't like laws that allow men to self ID as women, regardless of the country. I am entitled to campaign against such laws just as much as you are allowed to, and do, advocate in their favour.

If we 'stuck to the law' and didn't try to change things GB women wouldn't have the vote and the US would still have racial segregation.
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