Gender again. Sorry!

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.... as I've said before the number will be small, and we will never know who they are. The report backs up what I said a week or two ago.
You've changed your tune from last year when you were posting this, very much suggesting puberty blockers lowered suicide.


On reading it turned out to be a self selecting survey, 'Youth were recruited via targeted ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat' with chance of a $50 prize.

As to your Guardian article, I don't doubt the children and young people to whom he gave puberty blockers and hormones were thrilled. They'd been told they're life saving and would solve their problems.

How does he know puberty blockers were the best course of action in the long term though? The Tavistock did zero follow up on children. Once approved patients were moved back to their GP for prescriptions. They have no idea how many were happy or unhappy long term, or how many desisted.

Dr Kelly now offers private gender assessments - 6 to 8 sessions for under 18's, over Zoom if you like. Or just 2 to 3 if you are over 18. At £275 an hour and you don't even need to be seen in person.

Having lost his job with the Tavistock Dr Kelly has a vested interest in overturning the puberty blocker ban. If he can't prescribe you blockers there's no incentive for you use his services.
Cornoners' reports are not unevidenced claims. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat your lies, they never become true, but the greater effect they have on you to believe you are telling the truth. It is self delusion.

You haven't posted coroners reports. You've posted news reports, some of which had quotes from coroner reports. None of which linked not getting puberty blockers with the suicide - which is the claim you and J Maugham made.

Stop pretending you have provided a higher standard of evidence than you have re suicide and puberty blockers. I Cowden has already explained that correlation is not causation to you at length.

More good news. The trans identifying male who is the boss of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre - doesn't have a GRC and didn't say they were a man when appointed - has been suspended after orchestrating an unwarranted investigation against an employee. Didn't even have the courage to give evidence at the employment tribunal.
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You've changed your tune from last year when you were posting this, very much suggesting puberty blockers lowered suicide.

No, I didnt offer comment. So I had no tune to change. Unlike you I am not an ideologically driven zealot which is why, unlike you, my positions are considered, open to evidence, rarely definitive, and often nuanced. I don't think I've substantially changed my views on anything to do with trans people for 3 years.

You, Aurora, are an unreliable and dishonest narrator of other people's views because you see everything through a lens of ideological belief.

View attachment 6447

As to your Guardian article, I don't doubt the children and young people to whom he gave puberty blockers and hormones were thrilled. They'd been told they're life saving and would solve their problems.

You don't know what they've been told. You weren't present during the consultations.

How does he know puberty blockers were the best course of action in the long term though? The Tavistock did zero follow up on children. Once approved patients were moved back to their GP for prescriptions. They have no idea how many were happy or unhappy long term, or how many desisted.

Indeed. Which is why Cass recommended an expansion of gender services.

Unfortunately, in part thanks to you and you cult movement, gender healthcare has become a political football to be exploited, meaning trans healthcare will suffer.

Dr Kelly now offers private gender assessments - 6 to 8 sessions for under 18's, over Zoom if you like. Or just 2 to 3 if you are over 18. At £275 an hour and you don't even need to be seen in person.

Having lost his job with the Tavistock Dr Kelly has a vested interest in overturning the puberty blocker ban. If he can't prescribe you blockers there's no incentive for you use his services.

Ah, here we go. The ad hominen attacks on the doctor's integrity with the overt impmication that his only interest is money.

Bit like those vax companies, eh Aurora ;)
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I suspect the Coroners Reports here are where a Coroner has exercised their powers to produce Reports to Prevent Future Deaths. They can do this where some issue arises in an inquest such as lack of proper care in hospitals, dangerous roads or addiction issues. These reports are published.

I've neither the time nor the energy to search through the archive on the MoJ website but I receice email alerts when they're published. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least on regarding treatment for gender incongruence though whether the issue was specifically about puberty blockers or wider problems with delays in treatment I'm not sure.
Why post it and quote that claim then if you weren't presenting it as evidence?

Cass has recommended a new model of holistic care, not the expansion of the old Tavistock model of affirmation only and a medical pathway.

I don't doubt that Dr Kelly thinks he's doing the right thing but he does have a vested financial interest. As does Helen Webberley and Mermaids' Susie Green. Hilary Cass and Louis Appleby don't.

Not sure what you think vax denial has to do with anything, other than attempting your usual guilt by association. It's you that doesn't seem so keen to follow the science and listen to experts when it comes to mental health care for dysphoric children.


Legendary Member
You haven't posted coroners reports. You've posted news reports,

Oh for the sake of all the farks Aurora ... you keep saying this ... I posted links to coroners' reports. I'm not doing so again just so that you can keep pretending that they are not real. You really are just too much.


Why post it and quote that claim then if you weren't presenting it as evidence?

Because it is a relevant and interesting addition to the discussion. Again, you see everything from the perspective of an ideological zealot. You are literally incapable of understanding that other people do not.

Cass has recommended a new model of holistic care, not the expansion of the old Tavistock model of affirmation only and a medical pathway.

I didn't say she had. Again, the zealotry at play here.

I don't doubt that Dr Kelly thinks he's doing the right thing but he does have a vested financial interest.

Yeah, just like big pharma pushing experimental vaccines ;)

Not sure what you think vax denial has to do with anything, other than attempting your usual guilt by association

I am pointing out how Internet cults function. Doesn't matter whether it is 5g, Great Reset, vax, or your trans-hate movement

. It's you that doesn't seem so keen to follow the science and listen to experts when it comes to mental health care for dysphoric children.

There's the zealotry again.

Sooner or later your family will have a get together and say "We need to do something about Mum".
3 are links to actual coroner reports, the rest are news reports on inquests of trans identifying individuals. Some of them are adults to whom your puberty blocker claim wouldn't even apply.

You've repeatedly made the claim that denial of puberty blockers has caused an increase in suicide. Not one of your links say that. None even mention puberty blockers. They do mention specific failings by local mental health services in some cases.

In almost all the cases the individual had many mental health issues going on, including autism. Some individuals were already on cross sex hormones.

You made a very specific claim. You have not presented any evidence for it other than evidence that general mental health in the UK is pretty poor. That applies to everyone not just dysphoric children.

Evidence your specific claim about puberty blockers and suicide or do as Professor Appleby suggests and stop spreading harmful, irresponsible information.


Is this addressed to anyone in particular or is it just standard unhinged ranting?
Nah. As so often, you thought it supported your point but hadn't really looked into it. Likewise you said the Tavistock wasn't actually closing; it was so good they were opening 2 more.

Again, the vax thing is just your attempt to suggest those who want gender medicine to be evidence based are cranks in the mould of science deniers. It's you who prioritises ideology over evidence.

Edit: As you know very well, the earlier post was a response to Monkers continual insistence that incidences of failings in mental health care are proof that withholding puberty blockers causes suicide. They aren't.
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Über Member
Not sure what you think vax denial has to do with anything, other than attempting your usual guilt by association. It's you that doesn't seem so keen to follow the science and listen to experts when it comes to mental health care for dysphoric children.
That's rich coming from yourself. You've declared anyone who doesn't agree with you as wanting what you don't.
You're ahead of anyone I know on the guilt by association part.

Maybe take time to read some of your own accusations of others on here. Then maybe comment on others.

And the one name on GenderGp, note the correct name, has confirmed they ate registered in the UK, as per the earlier link provided. You want to question this, do what I did ask them. You'll get it straight from the horses mouth then.


Über Member
Nah. As so often, you thought it supported your point but hadn't really looked into it. Likewise you said the Tavistock wasn't actually closing; it was so good they were opening 2 more.

Again, the vax thing is just your attempt to suggest those who want gender medicine to be evidence based are cranks in the mould of science deniers. It's you who prioritises ideology over evidence.

Edit: As you know very well, the earlier post was a response to Monkers continual insistence that incidences of failings in mental health care are proof that withholding puberty blockers causes suicide. They aren't.
In response to your now edited post.
I doubt very much you've ever had medication withheld.
If you have, you'd not be making such idiotic claims like the edit in last part of your post.


Fascinating how over the course of 18 months Aurora has progressed from "just wanting to protect women's spaces" to being passionately interested in trans care.

Because she cares sooooo much about trans people and only wants the best* for them.

*the best for trans people in Aurora's book means erasing them by denying they are trans, and denying that being trans is even possible. But it's not an ideologically motivated position that this random woman, with no actual experience of trans people ever, is holding. Oh no :whistle:
And the one name on GenderGp, note the correct name, has confirmed they ate registered in the UK, as per the earlier link provided. You want to question this, do what I did ask them. You'll get it straight from the horses mouth then.
Who to believe? The Times article, which interviews the actual founder, that says it's now registered in Singapore, or Classic? Presumably the UK iteration is inactive and the Singapore iteration is the active company.
In response to your now edited post.
I doubt very much you've ever had medication withheld. If you have, you'd not be making such idiotic claims like the edit in last part of your post.
Puberty blockers are now withheld because there is no evidence of benefit. Just like the NHS withholds lots of drugs and stuff like homeopathy, because however much people believe certain medications will help it is unethical to prescribe them without evidence they benefit patients.
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