Gender again. Sorry!

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Deleted member 159

You first.

I'll give you a little help.

Sex is real, gender is make believe



Über Member
Being against drugs and surgery for children and minors with mental health issues, and highlighting the poor evidence of any long term benefit of such treatment pathways, isn't being anti-trans. By your definition those against electro convulsive therapy are anti people-with-depression.
Are you aware of the history of that treatment. It's not a very glamorous one, nor one that has the best history going. Used initially in lunatic asylums to quieten down patients.

It's history is littered with people who have had this "treatment" and not survived to talk about it. It's use has more people against its use, than for it. To this day the full effects of it are unknown.

Deleted member 159

How can you be so sure that people who hold that view and act on it as a lived experience are wrong?

They can right or wrong as much as they like in their own little world.

What they can't do, is demand the rest of the world to go along with it.
How can you be so sure that people who hold that view and act on it as a lived experience are wrong?

There's no neurological evidence of a 'male' brain and a 'female' one. Given it's the only one you've got or ever had, how can it be the 'wrong' brain or 'wrong' body for that brain?

What are the chances that you've got the wrong brain? Isn't it more likely that social and cultural factors are at work that cause people to feel disassociated from their sexed body? eg homophobia, sexist stereotypes about what boys and girls should be like, influence of social media?

Anorexia sufferers feel they have the wrong body too. Should we assist them with drugs and surgery to create a body they feel at ease with?


Active Member
Say it all you like. You'll continue to be wrong.

Are you sticking with that… 😂


Legendary Member
When CXRAndy makes a contribution, it looks to the rest of us something like this.



Legendary Member
There's no neurological evidence of a 'male' brain and a 'female' one.

There is no evidence of a 'straight' brain; therefore I can claim that being gay is the norm, and you are the queer one.

You play the 'no evidence' game both ways according to which way round fits your ideology. Variously you will say, 'no evidence to support', or 'no evidence to the contrary'.

This is all game play to you, and you think that reading and rehearsing the manufactured phrases of other bigots legitimises your arguments. It doesn't of course, it just makes you constantly and obviously disingenuous. Medical examinations and hard scientific research can look at structures of the brain, but not its contents.
There is no evidence of a 'straight' brain; therefore I can claim that being gay is the norm, and you are the queer one.
Here you are again, calling someone gay because you think it insults or humiliates them.
You can call me queer if you like. Why would I care? It's not a derogatory thing to be gay.

It's a false equivalency though. Gay men aren't seeking access to women's spaces or services, unlike men who claim to be women are.

This is all game play to you, and you think that reading and rehearsing the manufactured phrases of other bigots legitimises your arguments.

'Other bigots' include Gina Rippon, Professor of cognitive neuroimaging and Cordelia Fine, Professor of Philosophy of Science.


Guess what? When it has been suggested that a brain scan might tell who is 'genuinely' a transwoman/transman with an opposite sex brain, the trans community have been very much against it. What if it turns out all those trans identified men are no different to other men after all?
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