Gender again. Sorry!

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Deleted member 159

You're a moron who spends all their time on uncritical reading and is incapable of critical thought.

Maybe you think you are funny or entertaining. Let me assure that isn't the case.

Oh dear, resorting to insults again :laugh:

These Olympics will be forever tarred with the headline males beat up females
Where is Hergie Bacyadan to fight then?
In the Women's competition. Which is where they fight now, because Bacyadan is a woman.


Deleted member 159

William Jenner is an Olympic medalist, not Caitlyn.

Says quite a lot really.

Wow, I thought you would be celebrating the post, not dead naming them

Maybe because you can't make your mind up where you stand :whistle:
Why not? It's what you have advocated for on here - it's self ID. Bit hypocritical to say it's not right at this stage because you don't want to look like you approve of a man punching a woman in the face.

You'd be OK if Khelif was in women's changing rooms, a women's rape victim support meeting, a domestic violence refuge though ....
Those are also no place for men.

I have been crystal clear on this.

I support trans people and believe transwomen are women and transmen men. However I've consistently said that people who have gone through male puberty with the advantages of physique etc that confers should not be in women's sport and certainly not at the professional/elite level. There needs to be a system to deal with that. Same with prisons and perhaps a few other fields.

So called self ID came into public view when the Scottish Government set out to simplify the complex and over legalised process for getting a Gender Recognition Certificate. Before Johnson seized on the the issue for his own political ends there was a broad consensus that such a change was desirable.

We've had 'self ID' for years in the sense of transwomen and transmen using facilities like loos and changing rooms appropriate to how they live. It's not caused widespread mayhem and where people behave inappropriately they can be dealt with in exactly the same way as male/male or female/female lewd and outrageous behaviour is now.

Way back in the seventies there was a sign in the swimming baths at Holborn reminding men that lewd behaviour in the showers etc would not be tolerated.

I don't follow boxing at all but I understand Khelif was treated as female at birth so their case is more complex than that of a male born transwoman in the sport. I agree based on yesterday that they've no place fighting people like the Italian woman who was pretty much assaulted yesterday.

Boxing needs to address its own corruption.

I have been crystal clear on this.
I support trans people and believe transwomen are women and transmen men.
But not in sport? Then you don't really believe, do you?

We've had 'self ID' for years in the sense of transwomen and transmen using facilities like loos and changing rooms appropriate to how they live. It's not caused widespread mayhem and where people behave inappropriately they can be dealt with in exactly the same way as male/male or female/female lewd and outrageous behaviour is now.
No, we haven't. Not in the same numbers and not with the same issues. You totally disregard that the presence of a man in a changing room can make women uncomfortable; he doesn't have to be exposing himself.

If we made everything unisex 'because you can deal with incidents afterwards' how would that work out for women and girls? Single sex spaces and services were set up exactly to prevent such incidents. The whole premise of safeguarding is to prevent, not deal with it afterwards.

Way back in the seventies there was a sign in the swimming baths at Holborn reminding men that lewd behaviour in the showers etc would not be tolerated.
Who was doing the lewd behaviour do you think? Men or women?

I don't follow boxing at all but I understand Khelif was treated as female at birth so their case is more complex than that of a male born transwoman in the sport.
The only factor relevant atm is what sex they are, not their back story.

I agree based on yesterday that they've no place fighting people like the Italian woman who was pretty much assaulted yesterday. Boxing needs to address its own corruption. Today.
Lots of sports are corrupt. The matter at hand is men fighting in the Women's competition.

Deleted member 159

IOC wanted DEI in their sports.

It has spectacularly backfired re PR.

There won't be anymore males in females events after this


Legendary Member
Oh dear, resorting to insults again :laugh:

These Olympics will be forever tarred with the headline males beat up females

She's a cisgender woman you moron. A woman who satisfied the IOC regulations.

All due to the trans hate being spread, women are being judged and stigmatised by morons insisting that they are trans. They tried it with Michelle Obama, Macron's wife, and others. So many allegations prove false, but it never stops morons like you. In your case 'moron' is not so much an insult as a statement of fact.

It's all part of the craze of farkwit fanatics like yourself.

Just leave people be.
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