Gender again. Sorry!

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Elder Goth
It is their feelings though, isn't it? The men and non binary men could play in the Men's league. They choose to play in the Women's, putting their own feelings above those of the women who have to play against them.

They know now and some teams have withdrawn ftom playing against a Women's team with males. So women must lose out because one team prioritises men.

And that would be wrong surely, if you thought you'd signed up for a Junior league?

A closer analogy would be taking your boy to an Under 11's tournament to find one Under 11's team had 5 15 year olds on it.

You know as well as I do how childish "feelz".

You don't know what junior football means in a Scottish context is, which is fine.


Legendary Member
I made a mistake joining this conversation. The same false accusations, false claims, and outcomes remain the same.

The MO repeats ad nauseum - must win the argument at all costs. When the ability to win the argument with better argument is not possible, just smear the opponent.

Monkers has grown tired of this place for reasons I fully understand.
This is interesting. You have created the argument that women should not have legal access to Giggle for Girls.
It was called Giggle for Girls because it's a good alliterative title for an app aimed at women. As it was a dating app, a room share app, a lift finding app, and other single sex type stuff, no doubt there were age restrictions.

You familiar and ongoing argument is the term 'woman' can only be used in relation to female as precision in language is so essential. On the other hand, you will seem to have no difficulty with women describing themselves as 'girls'.

We all know people use girls/lads/guys as euphemisms for women/men/people without requiring it to be specifically age accurate.

For example, when I come to this thread I often think of this meme, even though I'm talking to adult men.

You know as well as I do how childish "feelz".

You don't know what junior football means in a Scottish context is, which is fine.

So Junior means amateur in Scotland? The point still stands. If you joined an amateur league and ending up facing 5 guys from Celtic you'd feel a bit hard done by. Funny thing is, if it was Australia now they could likely be excluded from the league for being pros in an amateur league but not for being men in a women's league.


Legendary Member
N again

To quote myself

The Australia case is interesting. I haven't read the judgement as yet, accordingly I am unable to speak to it. I'll restrict myself to saying that it will appear that the judge in this case may well already be familiar with the forthcoming GR40 which is expected to be adopted as soon as October this year, which will further cement the rights of certain groups including trans people into law, reducing the effect of the familiar nebulous confected arguments.

I have since looked up the judgement. Having skimmed it, there is no evidence that the judge is familiar with GR40. He may be so; however it maybe the case that he (quite correctly in my view) has chosen to disregard it as it has not as yet been accepted into law.


Senior Member
chosen to disregard it as it has not as yet been accepted into law
Who'da thought.
Which leads me to an idea I quite like the idea of: the Enhanced Games, which as far as I know is still on the cards. Athletes can just batter in with whatever drugs and hormones they like and see what happens.
It's an very bad idea as steriods are promoted enough now, do we really want to live in a world where athletes barely get older then 40 because of the abuse of performance enhancing drugs? (and yes if we allow this we get there just a matter of time.)


Elder Goth
So Junior means amateur in Scotland? The point still stands. If you joined an amateur league and ending up facing 5 guys from Celtic you'd feel a bit hard done by. Funny thing is, if it was Australia now they could likely be excluded from the league for being pros in an amateur league but not for being men in a women's league.

No, you wouldn't. Because you know the competition set up. Exactly as anyone facing Flying Bats does.
No, you wouldn't. Because you know the competition set up. Exactly as anyone facing Flying Bats does.

So basically if women don't want to play football against the newly arrived men (in a Women's league) they should feck off somewhere else or give up the sport they love?
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