Yes, a review the BMA are undertaking because a small number of activists engineered the committee to support a motion to critique Cass in July. More committee members voted against or abstained on the key anti-Cass motion than voted for it. But as abstentions don't count, it passed.
Since then 870 doctors have signed a letter criticising the BMA for opposing the recommendations of the Cass report.
" was signed by 57 professors and 22 former or current presidents of royal medical colleges and other clinical leaders, among others. Of the 870 signatories, more than two-thirds are BMA members".
Other European countries have made their own analysis of their gender services provision and have come to the same conclusions as Cass. Sweden, Finland, Denmark are all adopting a more cautious approach.
Cass isn't some outlier, out of step with everyone else. It's simply that health services are finally looking seriously at the lack of evidence around puberty blockers, and starting to ask why the numbers referred to gender clinics went through the roof in the last 15 years, and why the patients went from mostly older adult men to mostly young teens.
The change in direction to evidence based care must be hard to swallow, but there you go.
Evidenced based care has led to no care, and in your case don't care.
As for your suicide assertions, N read that and was astounded. It is not the case that trans youth think of suicide because or people giving out warnings of the risk of suicide. The truth is, as she told the thread, trans youth are at risk of suicide because of the non-acceptance of people, the campaigning to prevent them from living their authentic lives, people campaigning against their lives on a fabric of lies.
People like her father, and her mother, and you, are the very people that mouth off to crush people, and destroy them. She sees you. N has gone to bed upset with the news that the body of a trans women who has been missing for a few days was found in the Thames today; no suspicious circumstances.
Why not just leave alone and let people live their best lives? I know, nothing will ever stop you because of the kind of person you are - no compassion, no kindness, no humanity.
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