Gender again. Sorry!

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Why don't you @ the site owner and tell him his site is being used as a platform for criminal behaviour, rather than reminding him of his responsibilities in the thread? I expect he'll want to review your own contributions.

If you have nothing relevant to add on the thread topic I suggest you have a rest from the intimidation attempts. Nobody is buying it.


Legendary Member
Nobody is buying it.

monkers here now

Are you speaking now for everyone on the forum, or all women, or all of humanity? It's a job to know the limits of your status given your grandeur.


Legendary Member
N here

You are claiming intimidation. My job is to assess claims for admissibility at the ECHR. You think I will have difficulty ruling your claim inadmissible?

To make a claim of intimidation, you will need to say that you became afraid of somebody making threats, that they intend to cause you harm.

If you are saying that my posts are causing you fear, then you need to say what you are afraid of. In your case it is fear from the knowledge imparted by a lawyer saying that your behaviour is criminal and may or may not be of interest to the police.

You have said that you do not believe the lawyer, or that the police will be interested. You will have read that the person does not intend to bring the matter to the attention of the police. The claim does not meet the requirement that the claim of fear inducement is genuine, or that the person stated any intent to harm you.

The stark reality is that you have realised that your own behaviour is indeed criminal.

I find the claim inadmissible. I will add it to the pile of no hopers, and make it my 'no hoper of the week' award for stupidity.


Elder Goth
Who's buying these intimidations and where can I get one?

This thread has become seriously baffling.



Legendary Member
"Just the place for a Snark!" Aurora cried,
As she landed her crew with care;
Supporting each man on the top of the tide
By a finger entwined in his hair.

"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true."

The crew was complete: it included a Boots—
A maker of Bonnets and Hoods—
A Barrister, brought to arrange their disputes—
And a Broker, to value their goods.

A Billiard-marker, whose skill was immense,
Might perhaps have won more than his share—
But a Banker, engaged at enormous expense,
Had the whole of their cash in his care.


Legendary Member
I said you attempt it. I can only speak for myself as to your lack of success.

Whereas you do not merely attempt behaviour which could be found to be criminal in law, you succeed. Therefore your success trumps my failure. I get it, I really do. Well done.
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