All that applies to every other offence. We don't dismiss those incarceration rates as meaningless because of it.
Statistically they have a higher rate of offending than the male population
You need to prove that the current status quo - of excluding men from women's spaces in certain limited circumstances - should be changed to allow a certain subset of men (and only them) access. You haven't provided a single compelling piece of evidence for this.
For the purposes of this report, transgender prisoners are defined as those individuals known within prison to be currently living in, or presenting in, a gender different to their legal gender[footnote 7] and who have had a local case board (as defined by ‘The Care and Management of Individuals who are Transgender’ policy framework[footnote 8]) and are known to the diversity and inclusion lead within the individual prison where they are housed. Prisoners who have a full Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) are excluded from any analysis within this report. Only an overall count is provided to ensure compliance with the Gender Recognition Act 2004[footnote 9]. Statistics on the number of applications to the Gender Recognition Panel are published in Tribunals Statistics Quarterly at: The figures reported in this bulletin give an estimate of the number of transgender prisoners and are likely to underestimate the true number. This is because some transgender prisoners, both with and without GRCs, may not have declared that they are transgender or had a local case board. Additionally, the prison population is dynamic, meaning prisoners may have entered or left prison outside the time period of the data collection. Details of the number of transgender prisoners as of 31st March 2024 were provided by Equalities Representatives in public and private prisons in England and Wales.
Google knows better than you 👌
I don't need to prove any such thing. There is a standard protocol for academic argument that extends through professional practice and the legal system. They who make the claim need to be prepared to bring the evidence.
Do they? Just because they say they are legally male doesn't mean they don't define themselves as women - in fact, why call themselves transwomen if they don't define themselves as women?You've been bringing the claim about offending rates and you haven't provided the evidence.
1 You've pretended that all transgender people who present as women define themselves as women - they don't. They majority state that they are legally male.
2 You've taken the total number of transgender people, whether they be transgender men or transgender women, from the prison stats across the whole spectrum of offences, and then pretended further by treating them all as sexual offences against women and girls.
3 This compound of errors is then further compounded by pretending that they are housed in the women's prison estate.
The stats given in the report that you cherry-pick from classes set out in their definitions ...
It's clear then that the number that you say are trans women are not even included in the number that you claim they are. They are listed separately and are within the 10 trans people who are prisoners or were prisoners at the date of the report. The report does not say how many of the 10 are trans women. The report does not say that any trans women have been convicted for sexual offences against women, girls, or boys for that matter.
We just know that there are 10 trans prisoners for unspecified offences, and that that number may include trans men and trans women. We know that just one trans woman is being held in the women's prison estate, and then for an unspecified offence.
This representation of yours is entirely false and fabricated in order to cause alarm.
If you read Monkers reply to my question about transgender vs transman / transwoman, I think the nuance is this.TL;DR ...... The Ministry of Justice, The Daily Telegraph, the Canada Bureau of Prisons .... none of them can be trusted to provide accurate info on prison stats, apparently.
The reason they should be in men's prisons is because they are men.
Transwoman, trans woman. Are you saying only transwoman should be in psychiatric prison?My personal opinion in that rather than housing a transwoman in a women's prison, we ought to consider whether they should be in a psychiatric prison.
Lets say we have a prison population of 300 transgender prisoners and their offending rate is as high as or higher than the hetero male population, it doesn't give us a useful statistic because of those 300 prisoners only say 10 of them are transwomen. The others are men who like to present as women either as transvestites or whatever. Because those 270 transgender men are men, they stay in the male estate.
The answer is never, because none of those things make you a woman. What does 'living as a woman' mean other than stereotypes?This leaves us with the transwomen and this is where it gets tricky. At what point do we consider someone to be a transwoman? Is it when they put on womens clothes and declare their new name? Is it when they have been living as a woman for x years, and do those years need to be before they were arrested? Is it when they start hormone treatment? Is it when they obtain a GRC?
Once we have that definition, the next question concerns how to safely keep these people in prison.
This is the main problem. A men's prison may not be safe, but a women's prison may not be appropriate.
For me, the main issue that focuses this is whether and at what point being transgender is considered to be a mental illness rather than an innate state of being. My personal opinion in that rather than housing a transwoman in a women's prison, we ought to consider whether they should be in a psychiatric prison.
We all know why women have certain single sex spaces and services that exclude men.
You are making the claim that some men - not all, just some - should not be excluded. You haven't provided a single compelling reason other than some waffle about having a certificate.
Those 'circumstances' are single sex spaces (like prisons...) when it's proportionate and legitimate to exclude men. The EGRC has made that clear, even if you don't like it.
It's the EHRC, which as you know I immediately corrected. Had you thought of applying your proof reading skills to your own posts?
As you struggle to navigate your way around a single letter typing error, here's the Guardian explaining it again for you:
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