Gender again. Sorry!

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No wonder there are high rates of suicide after transition..... It's because they have to endure the behaviour of bigots trying to get into their lives.
The study was based entirely on gender dysphoric people. The comparison was between those who had and had not undergone surgery. The ones who had surgery fared worse than the ones who hadn't.

That rather shoots down your theory and suggests it's the surgery that makes them more prone to depression etc., as non surgical gender dysphoric participants fared better.

Look how readily Aurora starts squealing when I call her a bigot. (which she is). Imagine how her mental health would be if she couldn't even leave her house without people in the street calling her a paedo etc.

Well that's a bit cheeky of you, isn't it? Complaining that trans people's mental health is affected by verbal abuse whilst spending most of your time on here verbally abusing both me and many others.

I'm not responsible for those who call trans people paedophiles in the street, but you are responsible for your behaviour on here, though obviously you lack any self-awareness that you're more akin to those shouting abuse than I am.


Legendary Member
The study was based entirely on gender dysphoric people. The comparison was between those who had and had not undergone surgery. The ones who had surgery fared worse than the ones who hadn't.

That rather shoots down your theory and suggests it's the surgery that makes them more prone to depression etc., as non surgical gender dysphoric participants fared better.

It means that you do not understand that correlation does not always equal causation, it's just another stupid assumption that suits your purpose of demonising an entire cohort of innocent people.
Further to any of this, the evidence such as it is, shows that where puberty blockers are prescribed for other conditions, there does not seem to be evidence of long-term harm such as infertility, or even to bone development since bones continue to develop into the mid-twenties.

That simply isn't true. Those girls (it is rarely given to boys) who were given Lupron for precocious puberty have faced a number of health issues as adults.

Precocious puberty is a real, medical problem for which intervention with drugs is justified - and it's treated with drugs as a last resort.

Being in psychological upset about your sexed body as a teenager doesn't require medical or surgical intervention, especially when there is no evidence of benefit. There are other options available.

This is like saying we should give anorexics gastric band surgery because we give it to 30st diabetics. It's a bs argument that you make to promote the 'trans child' narrative - because that's the one that garners public sympathy not the adult men demanding access to women's spas.
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I'm not responsible for those who call trans people paedophiles in the street, but you are responsible for your behaviour on here, though obviously you lack any self-awareness that you're more akin to those shouting abuse than I am.

I don't abuse you. Calling you a bigot is not abuse, it's a statement of fact.

And yes you are responsible because you help create the environment of hate.
I don't abuse you. Calling you a bigot is not abuse, it's a statement of fact.

And yes you are responsible because you help create the environment of hate.

You spend your life on here calling people pr*cks, twunts, Nazis, bigots, calling people stupid/thick/morons, telling Claude she's got a hard on for whoever, telling Bob he's humping your leg .... basically trying to bully or humiliate people into not posting anymore by making the forum a less pleasant place to be.
All the while imagining you are some intellectual colossus, the only one who is intelligent enough to comprehend what's really going on in the world.

And when you're asked to provide the links or receipts for these pontifications they are never forthcoming, we just get more ranting. It's the tactics of someone who can't bear to be contradicted and who resorts to potty mouthed abuse at the first sign of non compliance.

You have made a far bigger contribution to creating a climate of hate than me. It's the only reason you're on here.


Pipe down Mary Whitehouse

Ah, the casual misogyny that thinks being an old woman is something to be considered an insult. It's great when an anti science, homophobic, sexist ideology rebrands itself as the premier civil rights movement of our time. It gives misogynists a free pass to be hateful towards women whilst pretending to be progressive.


Legendary Member
That simply isn't true. Those girls (it is rarely given to boys) who were given Lupron for precocious puberty have faced a number of health issues as adults.

Precocious puberty is a real, medical problem for which intervention with drugs is justified - and it's treated with drugs as a last resort.

Being in psychological upset about your sexed body as a teenager doesn't require medical or surgical intervention, especially when there is no evidence of benefit. There are other options available.

This is like saying we should give anorexics gastric band surgery because we give it to 30st diabetics. It's a bs argument that you make to promote the 'trans child' narrative - because that's the one that garners public sympathy not the adult men demanding access to women's spas.

There are cases of children with a range of conditions who have been prescribed the drug for long term use, some from the age of 5.

I find myself having to repeat to you what I've said before, but you have the attention span and memory of a goldfish when it suits you.

To remind you, I have made observations before ...

that the age of consent for medication is 16.
that puberty blockers should be used only to pause puberty for a maximum of two years.

Therefore I am saying that pbs should not be prescribed to trans kids younger than 14, and then, if and where appropriate, and they pursue progression they should move on to cross-sex hormones as young adults.

Instead of considering my opinions, you choose to troll the thread with reports of women who were prescribed as young as 5 for other conditions for much longer periods.

Now go away and carefully read the document that I linked to, where consultant specialists - paediatric endocrinologists working in the UK with experience of treating trans kids, answer the questions about the use of puberty blockers. They all talk about other conditions they have treated. They also carefully explain that all treatments for all conditions come with risks and benefits that need to be balanced.


Ah, the casual misogyny that thinks being an old woman is something to be considered an insult. It's great when an anti science, homophobic, sexist ideology rebrands itself as the premier civil rights movement of our time. It gives misogynists a free pass to be hateful towards women whilst pretending to be progressive.

Why make a thing of Whitehouse's age or gender? It's got nothing to do with it. It's the bigotry you share with her...reactionary social conservatism dressed up as feminism.
Nope. You introduced the fact that they are prescribed for precocious puberty yourself - as justification for their being prescribed for a mental health condition in children who are not ill. It isn't.

The link you gave is exactly as I said previously. You obviously imagine that it somehow supercedes the 4 year investigation that Cass made. It does not.

Even the expert questioned says they can't tell which kids will benefit from puberty blockers and which won't. When Prof Grossman says 'young women' he means boys from age 11 up. He says:

  1. Puberty blockers may have long term effects; they don't know... 'nobody knows'.
  2. They don't know which kids will benefit from puberty blockers.
  3. They don't even know how to identify which children will or who won't benefit from 'highly potent drugs' which have 'uncertain consequences'.


If your experts don't even know which kids will benefit, or the harm, it seems reckless to keep prescribing them to children on the off chance that the doctor is picking the right ones.
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Why make a thing of Whitehouse's age or gender? It's got nothing to do with it. It's the bigotry you share with her...reactionary social conservatism dressed up as feminism.

Was Mary Whitehouse a feminist then? It was your usual guilt by association shtick that you trot out whenever civil discourse escapes you.


Legendary Member
Nope. You introduced the fact that they are prescribed for precocious puberty yourself - as justification for their being prescribed for a mental health condition in children who are not ill. It isn't.

Actually I didn't. All I said about ''precocious puberty'' is this ...

I learnt from this report that 'precocious puberty' is no longer a preferred term.

I said this after you had said ''precocious puberty'' and for the reason that experts say it is no longer the preferred term.

Why do you insist on just relentlessly making stuff up?

After reading that I didn't bother with the rest - because you just continue to lie. It's actually a much more serious form of abuse that just calling a lying c.unt a lying c.unt. In your case it is something you repeatedly do to deserve it.
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