The study was based entirely on gender dysphoric people. The comparison was between those who had and had not undergone surgery. The ones who had surgery fared worse than the ones who hadn't.No wonder there are high rates of suicide after transition..... It's because they have to endure the behaviour of bigots trying to get into their lives.
That rather shoots down your theory and suggests it's the surgery that makes them more prone to depression etc., as non surgical gender dysphoric participants fared better.
Look how readily Aurora starts squealing when I call her a bigot. (which she is). Imagine how her mental health would be if she couldn't even leave her house without people in the street calling her a paedo etc.
Well that's a bit cheeky of you, isn't it? Complaining that trans people's mental health is affected by verbal abuse whilst spending most of your time on here verbally abusing both me and many others.
I'm not responsible for those who call trans people paedophiles in the street, but you are responsible for your behaviour on here, though obviously you lack any self-awareness that you're more akin to those shouting abuse than I am.