Pretty sure I have never said transmen should be forced to compete against men. I've said that a protected female sports category (for only those born female, including transmen if they wish) and an Open category for anybody, including all biological males, transmen (if they wish), and exceptional women (if they wish), would maintain safety and fairness whilst being inclusive.
A single category for everybody would mean those with the biological advantage of being born male would win all events and hold all records in sports where speed and power were the dominant requirements. Very few biological women would qualify for an Olympic final in track and field, swimming, weight lifting etc.
This would be the 2016 Olympic medals table in track and field if you took the times of the best boys/youths in the 2016 US High School athletics championship and entered them against the results of the 2016 Olympic women:
This is just US-only high school boys against the world's best women.
Categories in sport (sex, age, weight) exist to showcase exceptional athletes within given natural parameters.
A single category for everybody would mean those with the biological advantage of being born male would win all events and hold all records in sports where speed and power were the dominant requirements. Very few biological women would qualify for an Olympic final in track and field, swimming, weight lifting etc.
This would be the 2016 Olympic medals table in track and field if you took the times of the best boys/youths in the 2016 US High School athletics championship and entered them against the results of the 2016 Olympic women:
This is just US-only high school boys against the world's best women.
Categories in sport (sex, age, weight) exist to showcase exceptional athletes within given natural parameters.