This trajectory cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged because it ends with gas chambers. And despite what some say, it isn't "shutting down debate" it is challenging socially harmful and divisive attitudes.
When UK transactivism seeks to stop women meeting, hounds them out of jobs, and bombards them with death threats, it is trying to shut down debate.
The idea that UK women should stop campaigning for their rights because the US fundamentalist right wing have latched on to transactivism for their own ends is nonsense. This is like saying UK Muslims can't campaign for their specific needs because Al Qaeda exist.
It doesn't have to be this way. There are 40+ other countries with Self ID, one of which has a land border with the UK, and the sky hasn't fallen in.
If it had, we would know.
You don't count anything as relevant or worth considering, including male rapists in a Scottish women's prison, unless it's unmitigated disaster for everybody 24/7.
The fact that recording male crime on the women's crime increases those stats massively you dismissed as 'half of feck all is still feck all'.
You've routinely dismissed basic things like women having privacy and dignity in vulnerable spaces and services as unimportant. Anything other than being assaulted in a toilet is moving the goal posts it seems.
Ireland has a smaller population than Yorkshire, so it would statistically have a minute population of transwomen. Yet at one point there were 3 in Dublin women's wing, at least 2 of them sex offenders. The way you dismiss women's discomfort over stuff like this simply shows you really don't care. If it doesn't matter to you, it shouldn't matter to anybody.
No, it didn't have to be this way. Women could have just given up their language and their single sex spaces. They could have tolerated men in women's jail. They could have not objected when men entered the women's sports category and women and girls lost places, records, and medals. Fortunately they didn't.