Gender again. Sorry!

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You'd have to ask a psychologist. Sounds like both her and the male defendants got off lightly with 10 years though, considering the age of the victim.

Can you explain the huge statistical difference between male and female sex offending? I mean, 98% to 2% is an astonishingly big margin. Do you think this is relevant and should inform government decisions and legislation?


Now post something that "explains" what Bevan did.

Does not compute.....abort programme ...does not compute....ABORT PROGRAMME...DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!!! DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!! DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!!

You'd have to ask a psychologist. Sounds like both her and the male defendants got off lightly with 10 years though, considering the age of the victim.

Can you explain the huge statistical difference between male and female sex offending? I mean, 98% to 2% is an astonishingly big margin. Do you think this is relevant and should inform government decisions and legislation?
You clearly said "It's men who are predators." and [/I]"It's men who are the issue. Men. Regardless of whether they want to be men or don't want to be men."[/I]

Yet, when it's pointed out that it's not just men you change to "Not all men of course, Classic.", before going off down that it's men who are responsible for the majority. A majority that's dropped from 99% earlier in this thread to 98% now.
Care to explain the difference?

Vicki Bevan got life for rape of another female minor, the two men involved got 10 and 4 years.
Just because you managed to find one of the rare female sex offenders doesn't negate the fact that sex offending is an overwhelmingly male crime. And the victims are mostly female.

This is just another of your pointless hair splitting posts. Men are responsible for the vast majority of UK sex crime prosecutions. Regardless of if there's a 1% difference in a year or whether 'Men' means 'every man' or 'men in general', you can't escape that fact. It's significant and it needs to be taken into account when considering legislation that affects women and girls.
Just because you managed to find one of the rare female sex offenders doesn't negate the fact that sex offending is an overwhelmingly male crime. And the victims are mostly female.

This is just another of your pointless hair splitting posts. Men are responsible for the vast majority of UK sex crime prosecutions. Regardless of if there's a 1% difference in a year or whether 'Men' means 'every man' or 'men in general', you can't escape that fact. It's significant and it needs to be taken into account when considering legislation that affects women and girls.
There was another, close by, who is now protected by a similar ruling as Jamie Bulgers killers got. She can't legally be named, maiden or married name and I don't know the new name of her or the family that she tore apart. The protection is there for her, not the ones she left behind. They were moved, undercover of darkness with a police escort. The house boarded up once emptied.

People were convinced that there was no possible way that the families couldn't have been aware of what she had done, took the law into their own hands, hence the move. How do kids aged 8 - 9 explain why they've moved? At some point they are going to slip up and say the wrong thing.


Legendary Member
Just because you managed to find one of the rare female sex offenders doesn't negate the fact that sex offending is an overwhelmingly male crime. And the victims are mostly female.

This is just another of your pointless hair splitting posts. Men are responsible for the vast majority of UK sex crime prosecutions. Regardless of if there's a 1% difference in a year or whether 'Men' means 'every man' or 'men in general', you can't escape that fact. It's significant and it needs to be taken into account when considering legislation that affects women and girls.

In the case of female sex offenders they are less often reported to police. I can tell you this with some confidence. If you look at the rates at which teachers banned for sexual misdemeanours, a surprising number are women, mostly these cases are police unaware. You can review these cases on-line, you'll be surprised by the numbers. I've had cause over the years to refer a number of cases myself.
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In the case of female sex offenders they are less often reported to police. I can tell you this with some confidence. If you look at the rates at which teachers banned for sexual misdemeanours, a surprising number are women, mostly these cases are police unaware. You can revi.ew these cases on-line, you'll be surprised by the numbers. I've had cause over the years to refer a number of cases myself.
You mean like the one mentioned earlier,
Post 1,143 on this thread, caught out by one of the mothers of the kids involved?


Über Member
Gay folk were tolerated until they forced it down our throats by waving rainbow flags and demanding equal marriage rights; black people were acceptable until they got uppity and started expecting respect and reminding us of history; we could cope with disabled people until they became visible and started asking for reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

I still think I sit somewhere in the middle ground of this issue but I have to say that with every post from you I find my sympathy with your position diminishes.

Interesting list. Perhaps you could have added a few more groups to it. I'd suggest maybe add women.
And why has your sympathy with AS's position diminished? Do you have a similar diminishing sympathy for those likening defending women only space to Nazis?
And why has your sympathy with AS's position diminished?
The more I listen to a variety of voices on this matter, the more I become convinced that the most happiness and contentment in the world will come from tolerance, acceptance, welcoming even, rather than a hard line based upon a configuration of chromosomes. I can’t show my calculations for this before you ask, it’s merely my own fluid and personal judgement.

The clarity and simplicity of AS’s position, initially attractive, doesn’t seem to match either my admittedly limited real world experience or the feelings of women I know, family members and work colleagues mostly, with whom I have shared thoughts.

Zealous repetition of the same points in a practiced politician-like way pushes me back towards a more nuanced centre ground. But, as I’ve said before, I’m still learning and open to persuasion.

Do you have a similar diminishing sympathy for those likening defending women only space to Nazis?
I have no sympathy for those who use the term thoughtlessly. Not everyone that holds a particularly strident view either way is behaving like a Nazi, but that doesn’t mean that fascist-like behaviour and tactics can’t be seen and named as such if applicable.

One of the problems is that those with genuine hard- or religious-right aims have latched on to this area of life to sow fear and discord for their own purposes. For someone like AS, who I don’t believe fits into those categories in any way, they must surely be unhelpful fellow travellers. Some of them really are fascists.


Über Member
fellow travellers. Some of them really are fascists.
I suspect your position is actually similar to my own.
I also think there are those who try to shut down debate by using terms like 'fellow travellers'. The 'fellow travellers' you refer to would deny the right of trans people to exist. That's a million miles from anything AS or JK Rowling have said.


For someone like AS, who I don’t believe fits into those categories in any way, they must surely be unhelpful fellow travellers. Some of them really are fascists.

And some of them become indistinguishable from the people with whom they march. The phenomen of anti-vaxxers trying to close down vaccination centres or threatening staff is an interesting equivalent. They truly believed they were doing the right thing, but the threat was imaginary.

What is going on here is a vilification of a tiny number of people who are being 'othered'. If you want to see the future of this trajectory look to the US where some people are openly using "paedophile" as a synonym for 'trans woman'. This trajectory cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged because it ends with gas chambers. And despite what some say, it isn't "shutting down debate" it is challenging socially harmful and divisive attitudes.

It doesn't have to be this way. There are 40+ other countries with Self ID, one of which has a land border with the UK, and the sky hasn't fallen in.

If it had, we would know.
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Master of the Inane Comment
Now Christians believe they can misrepresent everyone else's truth too.

There is no such thing as 'my truth' and 'your truth'. There is truth, the objective reality around us out there. Something fixed, not subject to our opinions.

What we need to do seek truth, not be governed by subjective feelings.

I listened last night to YT with Peter Tatchell accusing the Archbishop of Uganda of saying 'if your kids are born gay it would be better to drown them'.

Tatchell had butchered Jesus' words that 'if anyone causes little ones to sin/stumble it would be better for them to have a millstone put round their neck and cast into the sea'. Adult abusers face judgement.

Not only so but Tatchell has been publicly vocal in his support of abortion, which is a form of infanticide.

So what we have here is a man who does advocate killing children accusing a man, who absolutely does not advocate killing children, of wanting to kill them.

Truth matters. I've read atheists claiming 'their Holy Book tells you to KILL GAYS'. That is inexcusable, in fact diabolical ignorance.

The problem is when such statements circulate on social media as established facts when they are nothing of the sort.
This trajectory cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged because it ends with gas chambers. And despite what some say, it isn't "shutting down debate" it is challenging socially harmful and divisive attitudes.

When UK transactivism seeks to stop women meeting, hounds them out of jobs, and bombards them with death threats, it is trying to shut down debate.

The idea that UK women should stop campaigning for their rights because the US fundamentalist right wing have latched on to transactivism for their own ends is nonsense. This is like saying UK Muslims can't campaign for their specific needs because Al Qaeda exist.

It doesn't have to be this way. There are 40+ other countries with Self ID, one of which has a land border with the UK, and the sky hasn't fallen in.

If it had, we would know.

You don't count anything as relevant or worth considering, including male rapists in a Scottish women's prison, unless it's unmitigated disaster for everybody 24/7.

The fact that recording male crime on the women's crime increases those stats massively you dismissed as 'half of feck all is still feck all'.

You've routinely dismissed basic things like women having privacy and dignity in vulnerable spaces and services as unimportant. Anything other than being assaulted in a toilet is moving the goal posts it seems.

Ireland has a smaller population than Yorkshire, so it would statistically have a minute population of transwomen. Yet at one point there were 3 in Dublin women's wing, at least 2 of them sex offenders. The way you dismiss women's discomfort over stuff like this simply shows you really don't care. If it doesn't matter to you, it shouldn't matter to anybody.

No, it didn't have to be this way. Women could have just given up their language and their single sex spaces. They could have tolerated men in women's jail. They could have not objected when men entered the women's sports category and women and girls lost places, records, and medals. Fortunately they didn't.
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