Nice to start with a bit of ageism, Ian. Are you saying the 99.9% of scientists who believe you can't change your sex doesn't include younger people? Grasping at straws, mate.
Your link is on the opinion piece page of SciAm and is by someone who describes themselves as 'transexual androgyne' - no chance of personal bias creeping in there then?
It follows the well worn path of conflating sex and gender and then trying to claim that because there are occasionally people who are born with chromosomal anomalies or atypical genitalia then sex isn't binary in mammals.
It's debunked at length by a biologist here.
Your link is an opinion piece. Do you have any thing peer reviewed that shows sex isn't binary in mammals?
Your link is on the opinion piece page of SciAm and is by someone who describes themselves as 'transexual androgyne' - no chance of personal bias creeping in there then?
It follows the well worn path of conflating sex and gender and then trying to claim that because there are occasionally people who are born with chromosomal anomalies or atypical genitalia then sex isn't binary in mammals.
It's debunked at length by a biologist here.
Your link is an opinion piece. Do you have any thing peer reviewed that shows sex isn't binary in mammals?