You are not oppressed by having your sex correctly identified. In fact it's an act of oppression to insert yourself into a different sex category when historically that group have been oppressed by your group and you seek the rights that women have been given exactly because men oppress them, like single sex spaces.
If you are happy being regarded as a subset of your own sex you could simply call yourself 'cis' and not impose it on other women without their consent.
When the basis of women's oppression is their biology, not sociology, then science is rather important.
I'd say that women's oppression is based on both biology and sociology.
In fact I'd go so far as to say it very often leans more heavily to the latter
Our oppression is done by people who have been socialised into believing it's ok / normal for men to oppress women and do various forms of violence against their bodies and minds
We really need to address that poor socialisation.
Yes of course biology comes into it, if I look like or identify as a biological woman there are some men who will believe they have an entitlement to talk to, or act towards me in certain ways.
But even if I was a transwomen, some would still do that, because they are socially conditioned to act that way towards people they see as 'woman'
So pure biology by itself makes no difference.
It's largely the attitude in some peoples minds towards women in general that needs to change.