Gender again. Sorry!

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It's you saying violent women are treated the same - escorted round the jail by 2 officers - without providing the evidence. They aren't. The special measures are because they are male.

You can do your own googling on the treatment of severely mentally ill inmates. It's been the subject of an inquiry.


Legendary Member
It's you saying violent women are treated the same - escorted round the jail by 2 officers - without providing the evidence. They aren't. The special measures are because they are male.

Their sex is relevant because female prisoners in for the same offences, or worse, do not need these special measures. The special measures are because they are male.

This is just flat out wrong. All prisoners regardless of sex / gender are subject to risk assessment, with the necessary control measures put in place.

According to the Home Office, the most violent prison in the country is a women's prison. After trans women prisoners were moved out, the violence became worse. The identified problem? Poor practice in risk assessment.


Legendary Member
You've spent 2 pages trying to convince us that having males who need 2 guards with them every time they leave a cell is a perfectly normal and acceptable routine in a women's jail. It's not.

Just stop lying. I've done no such thing, you deluded fixated little twister. You deserve nothing more than abuse for making up these totally false allegations.

You just exasperate people into defeat. You're actually quite sick in the head.
Because of the Haldane ruling.

The Hadane ruling last year said that 'sex' wasn't limited to biological sex in Scottish law. A Scottish GRC changes your legal sex for all purposes.

Currently, under the Equality Act, transwomen with or without a GRC can be excluded from single sex services if appropriate and legitimate because their sex is male. Not all service suppliers choose to use these exemptions but they can if they wish.

If someone's sex is changed for all legal purposes, and your biological sex no longer counts, on what grounds would you exclude someone? It would be sex discrimination to do so in Scotland because 'sex' no longer means biological sex.

"For single sex services and jobs, where the exceptions do apply, the judgment means the holder of a GRC that certifies them as female can only be excluded based on gender reassignment, not on their sex, even though their biological sex is the reason for their exclusion. This makes using these exceptions more complex and daunting".


It puts more pressure on service providers to not use the EA exemptions in case they are sued.
Can I get clarification on which country is actually being talked about. @monkers post about Limerick Prison was queried by @icowden, who referred to Limerick Prison, and the two trans women prisoners currently held there. It could be three, if one hasn't been released, raising concerns about possible legal challenges about not so new gender recognition laws in the Irish Republic. As pointed out by @multitool they aren't that new, at over seven years on the Irish law books.
@Bromptonaut queries the point raised by ICowden and takes the issue back to Scotland, closely followed by AuroraSaab jumping in with the Haldane ruling or Hadane ruling. We then have @AuroraSaab saying that three trans women prisoners in Limerick Prison are having to be escorted because they are a danger to other prisoners in the same wing. The only one mentioned as having an prison officer escort in the links provided is in Dublin Prison. The escort is for her safety. Odd in a way that the other prisoners are the threat but never mentioned as such.

One in Limerick is in isolation due to an attack on a prison worker. The trial continues, however we are treated to what one says she'd do to her mother she hasn't seen since the age of 10. She's now twenty. GRC given at the age of 16, by a court

The Irish courts have decided where these women were to be housed, the Irish prison service are just complying with orders made by the courts.

As has been said, Limerick prison isn't a very nice place. Due in part to its age, over 100 years in parts still being used to house prisoners. With parts over 200 years old.

We are then back into the English prison system, whilst still going on about the three or two in Limerick having to be escorted around for the safety of others for the one hour they are out off their cells.

Maybe we can stick to one country, and not dragging other countries into the argument, just to support an argument about another country's system. Making it clear which country we feel is at fault.

I'm still awaiting my question answering with regards where the number of trans women in Irish prisons has been gained. Neither the Irish prison service, or the state, keep such figures. So where are they coming from? These numbers never stay the same either, or are they always reported as being in the correct prison. Can similar figures be supplied for trans men in Irish prisons?
Dublin and Limerick are only 135 miles apart.
It's you saying violent women are treated the same - escorted round the jail by 2 officers - without providing the evidence. They aren't. The special measures are because they are male.

Their sex is relevant because female prisoners in for the same offences, or worse, do not need these special measures. The special measures are because they are male.
I'd like to see proof backing those statements up. Especially since it is only the one prisoner in Dublin that has two prison officers escorting her round.
Just stop lying. I've done no such thing, you deluded fixated little twister. You deserve nothing more than abuse for making up these totally false allegations.

You just exasperate people into defeat. You're actually quite sick in the head.

'Look what you made me do'.

And yet I manage to remain pretty civil with you, even though you're abusive and post the most disingenuous nonsense, whether it's irrelevant meditations on floppy penises or overwrought emotive special pleading for men who don't like being men.

Whether it was on the previous discussions on the old forum or on here, you simply resort to either legal threats or abuse when challenged. It won't wash on NACA, Monica, and none of your name calling is going to get this thread shut like it would on the old forum.
I'm still awaiting my question answering with regards where the number of trans women in Irish prisons has been gained. Neither the Irish prison service, or the state, keep such figures. So where are they coming from? These numbers never stay the same either, or are they always reported as being in the correct prison. Can similar figures be supplied for trans men in Irish prisons?
Dublin and Limerick are only 135 miles apart.
Officially confirmed by the acting Minister for Justice who was asked a question in Parliament. It's also possible from court reporting and other prisoners to work out where they are placed.

Bruno Binda de Souza (possession of child abuse images) has been released.
Officially confirmed by the acting Minister for Justice who was asked a question in Parliament. It's also possible from court reporting and other prisoners to work out where they are placed.

Bruno Binda de Souza (possession of child abuse images) has been released.
View attachment 3149
That question was asked at the end of last month, link to the response was posted earlier. Reading the full answer given makes more sense, than just the start of the answer.
You on the other hand have been swapping between two and three such prisoners in Limerick since November last year. Before the question was asked in Dáil Éireann, making your "source" unlikely.


Legendary Member
'Look what you made me do'.

And yet I manage to remain pretty civil with you, even though you're abusive and post the most disingenuous nonsense, whether it's irrelevant meditations on floppy penises or overwrought emotive special pleading for men who don't like being men.

Whether it was on the previous discussions on the old forum or on here, you simply resort to either legal threats or abuse when challenged. It won't wash on NACA, Monica, and none of your name calling is going to get this thread shut like it would on the old forum.

You are never civil, because remember you are 'not prepared to be kind'. You portray trans woman as predators, perverts, rapist and what have you, but you think that's fine. You are not even prepared to write 'trans woman' correctly, your sense of courtesy to others does not even extend that far.

I did not write about 'floppy penises', these distortions of truth made by you are endless, post after post and page after page of just trying to win argument because of your personal disgust of a minority group.

Yes, your endless insulting behaviour of people, and your inexhaustible fund of lies have ground me down.

I came to this thread to keep it honest and keep away from argument, but you just can't stop.

I can't not be rude to you because I've come to the point where I can only feel disgust for you.

I'm out.
You are never civil, because remember you are 'not prepared to be kind'. You portray trans woman as predators, perverts, rapist and what have you, but you think that's fine. You are not even prepared to write 'trans woman' correctly, your sense of courtesy to others does not even extend that far.
The kindness you demand requires prioritising men's feelings over women's material reality. So unsurprisingly that's going to be a big 'No thanks' from me on that one.

It's men that are the issue. Not all men but enough of them for it to be a problem. What you want is for transwomen to be privileged over other men and for them to not be subject to the same exclusions that other men are. Exclusions which are there for sound material reasons.

Requiring people to use the grammar/spelling you demand is not asking for courtesy, it's trying to compel people's language.

I did not write about 'floppy penises', these distortions of truth made by you are endless, post after post and page after page of just trying to win argument because of your personal disgust of a minority group.

Yes, your endless insulting behaviour of people, and your inexhaustible fund of lies have ground me down.

I came to this thread to keep it honest and keep away from argument, but you just can't stop.

I can't not be rude to you because I've come to the point where I can only feel disgust for you.

I'm out.

It was post number 1000. It went on for ages.

"So let's put this out there straight out, a trans woman on hormones loses the capacity to be a rapist, though technically they could fit under the definition if they were to force another person to take the flacid little chappy into their mouth".

I've never known a woman write about rape using a phrase like 'force....the flaccid little chappy into their mouth' in a serious discussion.

You've proved that you have nothing but disdain for any boundaries that women have so I honestly don't give a toss what you think.

I can mostly respect the position of folk like Winjim, Ian, or Classic, on this issue because even if I think they are wrong I think they are trying to grapple with the issues. But you are an utterly bad faith actor, Monica, and I'm not going to be a prop in your endless quest for validation.
The kindness you demand requires prioritising men's feelings over women's material reality. So unsurprisingly that's going to be a big 'No thanks' from me on that one.

It's men that are the issue. Not all men but enough of them for it to be a problem. What you want is for transwomen to be privileged over other men and for them to not be subject to the same exclusions that other men are. Exclusions which are there for sound material reasons.

Requiring people to use the grammar/spelling you demand is not asking for courtesy, it's trying to compel people's language.

It was post number 1000. It went on for ages.

"So let's put this out there straight out, a trans woman on hormones loses the capacity to be a rapist, though technically they could fit under the definition if they were to force another person to take the flacid little chappy into their mouth".

I've never known a woman write about rape using a phrase like 'force....the flaccid little chappy into their mouth' in a serious discussion.

You've proved that you have nothing but disdain for any boundaries that women have so I honestly don't give a toss what you think.

I can mostly respect the position of folk like Winjim, Ian, or Classic, on this issue because even if I think they are wrong I think they are trying to grapple with the issues. But you are an utterly bad faith actor, Monica, and I'm not going to be a prop in your endless quest for validation.
Its your endless swapping of facts, so that they suit your narrative that I'm finding the hardest to grapple with.
Anything that doesn't match, gets ignored. As though it was never even mentioned.

I've noticed that you've now decided that the person you said one day ago was the Irish Minister of Justice, is now the acting (Irish) Minister for Justice. Now you just need to accept things he never said, because the question was asked only twenty days ago.
Mate, your endless splitting hairs and lengthy and hard to read posts mean that I often struggle to know exactly what you are asking me. Your third paragraph illustrates it perfectly. I try not to be rude to you because I think you come at this from a very personal angle, but that's why I sometimes ignore you I'm afraid.

And when I can't understand your posts or think you're hair splitting, I'll carry on ignoring you. Sorry, but nobody wants a repeat of our 10 post cross-purposes exposition of the 1723 Gaol Act. That was the height of utter batsh*ttery even for this thread.
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