Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
So I didn't write the phrase 'floppy penises' then.

Do you think 'flacid little chappy' is better? You belittled sexual assault when you said you supposed it would technically be rape if you ''force another person to take the flacid little chappy into their mouth" as though such an assault wouldn't be traumatic for anybody, male or female.

No. I ridiculed you for your sloppy thinking. A pity you didn't spot it!

When a trans woman who has been languishing for years on waiting lists while maintaining the hormone regime that has been prescribed, then is left with such dramatic atrophy, and accompanying loss of labido, that she is then said to by unsuitable for surgery, you then seek to humiliate her with your nasty insinuations that she has become a predator, pervert, or a groomer.

In one breath you demand that people take account of the science, and in the next you choose to ignore the science in order to facilitate your abuse. That is what post 1000 was about.

If you want an example of a person who diminishes rape, then look no further than Germaine Greer who appalled me with her assurance to women that (to paraphrase), 'there is no such thing as rape, only bad sex'.

Germaine Greer has called for the lowering of punishment for rape and said society should not see it as a “spectacularly violent crime” but instead view it more as “lazy, careless and insensitive”.

Full article here ...


Legendary Member
You don't have to be on cross sex hormones to be considered a transwoman. It's enough just to say you are a transwoman remember, because 'people are who they say they are'. Also there are plenty of males who pose a risk to women and girls (and boys) who do not have the capacity to have penetrative sex. But again, as far as you're concerned we have to set the threshold at 'raped with a penis' before it becomes something women should be concerning themselves with. The concepts of dignity and privacy don't seem to concern you. Nobody thinks 10 year old boys are rapists but we separate school kids in changing rooms and showers because we know both sexes are entitled to privacy and dignity.

There you go making stuff up again. The UK doesn't have a system of Self-ID. Theresa May promised it, but was ejected from office before it happened.

At present the so-called two year transition remains, although in practice it is more like 6 years. A trans woman is not recognised as legally female until issued with an amended birth certificate.

It is true that the EqA 2010 affords the same protections from discrimination as trans women, though in itself does not change the legal sex or recognised gender identity of the person.

I, and others, have explained this to you endlessly. Why do you persist with this nonsense?


Legendary Member
And it's ridiculous that you imagine being impotent somehow eradicates all risk, or all discomfort, that women and girls have with having male bodies in single sex spaces. If that's the criteria we should admit any man with prostate trouble, any elderly man, or any man who has lost erectile function through accident or disease.

'Do you mind if I use the women's showers? It's fine because I have erectile dysfunction'.

More nutjobbery from you. As a retired Headteacher, I know what risk assessments and timetables are. :okay:

There is this process called 'management'. I've practised it.


Legendary Member
Again, setting the bar at sexual or physical assault shows a blatant disregard for what you think women should have to tolerate in order to validate the feelings of men.
'Women sometimes assault other women' is not an argument for introducing men to the mix.

You seem to forget that I too am a woman; yet here you are telling me the right way to think because you are the woman in the room.

Trans women do not have the legal status of men. How have you managed to miss this?

It is not a sound argument to say that women's prisons are safe spaces. They are not, they are terribly violent places.
According to records, no trans women prisoners in recent years have been involved in assault or sexual assault.

Has it also escaped you that one idea of prison is the removal of privilege? Being safe is not a privilege but a right. Trans women prisoners are not making prisons less safe.

There is a right to dignity for anyone regardless of who they are, or where they happen to be. Dignity can be preserved in prison settings, but it requires management, and in turn management requires resources. When essential services are lacking resources, you should not blame the service users, but the prevailing government.
When a trans woman who has been languishing for years on waiting lists while maintaining the hormone regime that has been prescribed, then is left with such dramatic atrophy, and accompanying loss of labido, that she is then said to by unsuitable for surgery, you then seek to humiliate her with your nasty insinuations that she has become a predator, pervert, or a groomer.

In one breath you demand that people take account of the science, and in the next you choose to ignore the science in order to facilitate your abuse. That is what post 1000 was about.

Still male, so poses the same risk as every other male. No drugs or surgery changes that fact. Regardless of ability to sexually assault someone, women and girls are entitled to privacy and dignity and to exclude men from single sex spaces.

By your logic, every man in a wheelchair should have access to single sex spaces.

If you want an example of a person who diminishes rape, then look no further than Germaine Greer who appalled me with her assurance to women that (to paraphrase), 'there is no such thing as rape, only bad sex'.

Full article here ...

Germain Greer isn't on here minimising oral rape though, is she? You are. Why on earth you think her comments justify your abhorrent post I have no idea.
There you go making stuff up again. The UK doesn't have a system of Self-ID. Theresa May promised it, but was ejected from office before it happened.

At present the so-called two year transition remains, although in practice it is more like 6 years. A trans woman is not recognised as legally female until issued with an amended birth certificate.

It is true that the EqA 2010 affords the same protections from discrimination as trans women, though in itself does not change the legal sex or recognised gender identity of the person.

I, and others, have explained this to you endlessly. Why do you persist with this nonsense?

You have spent this whole thread telling us you don't need a GRC to use single sex spaces so this is quite a u turn for you. So no transwoman should be regarded as a woman without a GRC? Great. Most of them don't have a GRC so that will reduce the conflict of rights quite considerably then.
More nutjobbery from you. As a retired Headteacher, I know what risk assessments and timetables are. :okay:

There is this process called 'management'. I've practised it.

Funnily enough I qualified as a teacher nearly 40 years ago too and have been in charge of safeguarding and pastoral care. And I call bullshit on half the stuff you post on here, including this. The first rule of safeguarding for children is that you plan for worse possible scenarios not plan on balance of probabilities.

You manage risk by minimising it as far as is possible not by saying 'Let's see how we get on'.

There is a right to dignity for anyone regardless of who they are, or where they happen to be. Dignity can be preserved in prison settings, but it requires management, and in turn management requires resources. When essential services are lacking resources, you should not blame the service users, but the prevailing government.

I don't blame the service users. What man wouldn't want to be in the women's estate if they had chance? Especially when you can transition after your arrest and go back to being male when you're released.

Women's dignity isn't helped by having men in women's prisons. And if the risk assessment can't distinguish the genuinely body dysphoric men from the gaming-the-system chancers, it shows how utterly worthless the risk assessment system is.
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Legendary Member
Still male, so poses the same risk as every other male. No drugs or surgery changes that fact. Regardless of ability to sexually assault someone, women and girls are entitled to privacy and dignity and to exclude men from single sex spaces.

By your logic, every man in a wheelchair should have access to single sex spaces.

As usual this is wrong. That's pure prejudice, and nothing more.

Not my logic at all. In fact more your logic since people in your group have argued that trans women could use a facility for people with a disability.

Having a different gender identity is not a disability.
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That led me to this story - I'm sure Rowling is gutted:

Quidditch has changed its name to Quadball in a move designed to "distance" it from Harry Potter author JK Rowling.
League bosses previously said Rowling's comments on trans rights were partly behind their desire for a name change.
The real-life version sees players run with brooms between their legs.


Legendary Member
Funnily enough I qualified as a teacher nearly 40 years ago too and have been in charge of safeguarding and pastoral care. And I call bullshit on half the stuff you post on here, including this. The first rule of safeguarding for children is that you plan for worse possible scenarios not plan on balance of probabilities.

You manage risk by minimising it as far as is possible not by saying 'Let's see how we get on'.

Congratulations, you got something right (the bolded bit), what follows is rubbish.

You manage risk by minimising, not by demonising people and excluding them. Now have a think about control measures. The requirement is to put systems in place that are reasonable, proportionate, and non-discriminatory. Your way of working says, that children can cause harm to each other, we must prevent them from being in contact with humanity.


Legendary Member
Women's dignity isn't helped by having men in women's prisons. And if the risk assessment can't distinguish the genuinely body dysphoric men from the gaming-the-system chancers, it shows how utterly worthless the risk assessment system is.

Well it's nice to see you downgrading the alarm in the face of facts. Good work, keep it up.

Risk assessment would have kept Karen White out of contact with female prisoners. It would have also kept Isla Bryson out of a female prison - oh wait, it did.
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