Gender identity isn't scientific nor fact based.
It's years, decades really, since sex ed was just teaching the biology of reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases. For a very long time it's covered contraception, healthy relationships, and consent - all necessary and worthwhile topics. The issue is whether external providers go beyond this and teach from an ideological stance, introducing material that is not evidence based or not appropriate for the age group.
I'd add that this situation of out-sourcing certain subjects or topics, especially in high schools, is partly the result of underfunding. Many high schools no longer have a specialist Personal and Social Education (or variant of this post) teacher. They make form teachers teach PSE and understandably these staff don't feel qualified to teach the sex ed component so schools bring in outside providers, often with a company getting the contract for the whole authority. This results in less supervision of what is actually going on. Schools outsource responsibility as well as content.
Similar situation with high school music lessons and junior school PE lessons, though obviously with less contentious content. Lots of high schools no longer have a music teacher.
It's years, decades really, since sex ed was just teaching the biology of reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases. For a very long time it's covered contraception, healthy relationships, and consent - all necessary and worthwhile topics. The issue is whether external providers go beyond this and teach from an ideological stance, introducing material that is not evidence based or not appropriate for the age group.
I'd add that this situation of out-sourcing certain subjects or topics, especially in high schools, is partly the result of underfunding. Many high schools no longer have a specialist Personal and Social Education (or variant of this post) teacher. They make form teachers teach PSE and understandably these staff don't feel qualified to teach the sex ed component so schools bring in outside providers, often with a company getting the contract for the whole authority. This results in less supervision of what is actually going on. Schools outsource responsibility as well as content.
Similar situation with high school music lessons and junior school PE lessons, though obviously with less contentious content. Lots of high schools no longer have a music teacher.