And here is Aurora's heroine, Julia Bindel, mainstreaming the notion that paedophiles are part of the rainbow LGBT+ community:
If you're going to search the internet desperately looking for people who you imagine I agree with every word they say, you could at least get their name right.
The fact that you seem unable to grasp that not all gender critical women have the same view about absolutely everything shows that you don't even see women as individual human beings. They're just a homogeneous group to you, without their own thoughts or agency.
I don't think you have anything of value to offer this discussion so I haven't bothered watching that clip. Julie Bindel is a lesbian woman though so if she wants to discuss the effect of adding other groups under the LGB banner and what that means for lesbians that's up to her.
Sounds like you're just miffed because Bindel and Kathleen Stock are starting a group just for lesbians and excluding men who identify as lesbians. Seems fair enough to me.