I've thought about it a lot. Having done so I still believe gender ideology is regressive nonsense based on sexist and homophobic stereotypes, that medicalising gender non conforming kids is a terrible idea, and that men shouldn't be in women's sports or prisons.
You never see for yourself the problem with what you write; whereas I and some others do.
Here for example, you 'believe' gender ideology ... that's your own belief system system you are expressing then, about something you say have never felt or experienced - therefore you are expressing your own belief in an ideology.
You don't accept that people have a gender identity because it is something you can not understand. This is clear because you go on to call it 'nonsense' and you go further by calling it 'regressive nonsense'. Regressive means going backwards, whereas the fears you express are about what may happen in the future, for example the introduction of self-ID, therefore what you fear is something which is progressive.
Sexism is the denigration of a person due to their sex. Trans women are not denigrating women for their sex. Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? What you are doing is denigrating trans women for their sex, not the other way round. So yes sexism is in the debate, but the ownership is your's. Homophobia? Well I think you are overreaching there too.
Almost everything you write is based on your own fears, and to those ends you portray trans women as perpetrators of misdeeds of all kinds, rape, violence, sorting cheats, paedophiles. Those no end to the alarmism.
After the willy-waving of Dominic Raab saying that he will introduce a policy where no trans woman with a penis will be in a female prison, the prisons minister asserts that is already the case. Six women with GRC in the entire female prison estate, none with a penis, all fully risk assessed, and no reports of difficulties.
Other countries are passing self-ID. The 'legitimate concerns' that you raise are not issues in those countries.
What you spout is endless pages of prejudice, false accusation, and wrongful stereotypes, all worded to conceal your own grudges and prejudices, all designed to induce fear in others. Whether or not the intention, we are increasingly seeing trans women young and old being the targets of hate crime. Trans people are generally more vulnerable and are soft targets, not that is of any interest to you as you say, you are not prepared to be kind to trans people. That's kind of an admission of being prepared to be less than kind. I wonder just how far the GC brigade are prepared to go. The fact that neo-Nazis are supporting your cause ought be a cause for concern. Instead you tend to brush this aside and focus on the paraphylic style artwork of one trans woman. That is kind of demonstrative of a mindset I will say.