I'm not being funny, but you literally volunteered upthread that you understood yourself to be a man because you're sexually attracted to women. There's a forum abbreviation for that particular gender identity.
Yes. I'm a man and heterosexual. That isn't a gender identity. What people claim gender identity to be is an innate sense of gender - usually in contrast to that registered at birth. It's in the same category of mumbo jumbo as the idea that sex is "assigned" - which suggests that someone is giving it out.
We have male, female and intersex, heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality. There really isn't any need for definition beyond that. Of course if you want to define additional genders and sexualities, you are free to do so, but I'm not convinced that it actually helps anyone. Some people feel that it may in many ways be reductive to dilute definition.
For example there are many lesbian women who don't feel that it is acceptable for a man to transition to being a woman and then claim to be a lesbian. They feel that it reduces their status, their rights and the equalities they have fought for.