It's an indication that detransition is an issue though surely, though not every one of the 30k will be a detransitioner. Some will be parents or people with an interest.
How can we check the detransition rate in the UK when the Tavistock hasn't checked for 20 years? The Cass report commented on poor record keeping. That's thousands of kids that weren't followed up so they have no idea if, long term, the treatment made them happier or made them worse or whether they detransitioned.
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As I've said before, the data on transgender treatment is often poor quality and short term. All the more reason we shouldn't be letting kids rush into stuff at a young age when the consequences might be irreversible.
There are good reasons why European countries are starting to look again at their gender identity clinics and roll back on prescribing puberty blockers to children and under 18's.
1 The Tavistock Centre was not responsible for recording the rates of all or any detransitioners. I would have expected the TC to be able to report on the number from its own patient cohort though, to understand their reasons for doing so, and to reflect this data in its ongoing systems and practices. Still this does not answer the question of how many is many.
2 So here we are again with your Schrodinger approach. You criticise the TC for not knowing the numbers, so instead you base your claim to 'many' based on the number of worldwide members of a subReddit group that includes everyone with an interest like you.
3 You see how sloppy your presentation is? You criticize TC for not knowing its numbers (fair enough) but then make comments about numbers without knowing them, substituting words like 'lots' and 'many' in place of numbers. If TC were sloppy, then so are you.
4 I have never sought to insulate TC from just criticism. I have made this point to you before and I'll make it again - 13 years of government imposed austerity and underfunding are taking its toll on all of the nation's essential services, and services that women tend to have to rely upon have been disproportionately affected. In the cases that you've been so keen to highlight there is shared cause, a catalogue of political failure going back to 2015. The TC didn't really stand a chance. Even with the most effective management and dedicated staff it could never have been successful in maintaining high standards of clinical practice with limited resources. Where the stakes are high, as in settings such as the TC adequacy of resource was fundamental to maintain clinic standards.
5 I'm not at all satisfied by Hannah Barnes review. It is difficult for me to believe that she has a real grip on the issues, but ambition caused her to use a degree of sensationalism to write what she hoped would be a best seller. I don't feel able to trust an author who speaks of '97.5% of children seeking sex changes'. This is Daily Mail levels of sensationalism.
6 Nobody should be at all surprised that children attended that clinic with associated symptoms such as anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, history of self-harm. These are very much the symptoms you would expect from those with a gender identity incongruent with their sexual identity. These children were at high risk, the TC and ultimately the government failed them.