Gender again. Sorry!

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Fair enough, though it's a bit at odds with the idea that gender is innate and they've always been a woman. You've indicated they should be treated as a woman and was correctly placed in the women's prison but you now seem to be saying transwomen aren't just like other women.
Just acknowledging the court order in place around one person.
What you need your data to show is that the crimes against women by trans women is the same as crimes against women by cis men.

But it doesn't.

It doesn't need to. It already establishes that the rates of criminality are the same, including for violent crime. Are you suggesting that of the violent crimes assessed, transwomen are more likely than other males to choose male victims rather than female? And thus they are a danger to men but not to women? That simply makes no sense. Additionally, it seems likely that such anomalies in the data would have been remarked upon by the researchers.

Actually, what you need to show is how/why they are different from other men, and why that would change male patterns of criminality, as it's you making the claim that they are.


It doesn't need to. It already establishes that the rates of criminality are the same, including for violent crime. Are you suggesting that of the violent crimes assessed, transwomen are more likely than other males to choose male victims rather than female? And thus they are a danger to men but not to women? That simply makes no sense. Additionally, it seems likely that such anomalies in the data would have been remarked upon by the researchers.

Actually, what you need to show is how/why they are different from other men, and why that would change male patterns of criminality, as it's you making the claim that they are.

No, I'm not making any claims. I'm pointing out that the data doesn't say what you are trying to make it say.


Legendary Member
How many did you manage, icow?
If you paid attention in class you might have learned that biological impulses have nothing to do with modern human reproduction. It does not however mean that they do not exist.

The biological imperative has been debated for centuries (see Jekyll and Hyde). If you are attacked, your body goes into a "fight or flight" response that dates back millions of years and is common to almost all, if not all mammals. We cannot escape the fact that we are mammalian.


Legendary Member
It would be. However there is nothing wrong with a comedy club having a policy that it only books comedy acts would not be. If the Stand did not have such a policy and it had history in taking booking for political events, then I will agree there is room for argument.
It's worth noting that the Stand have now u-turned and the event is now back on the schedule.


Legendary Member
If you paid attention in class you might have learned that biological impulses have nothing to do with modern human reproduction. It does not however mean that they do not exist.

The biological imperative has been debated for centuries (see Jekyll and Hyde). If you are attacked, your body goes into a "fight or flight" response that dates back millions of years and is common to almost all, if not all mammals. We cannot escape the fact that we are mammalian.

Oh boy. I bet the women find you fun at the office party. Is this where you conduct your fight or flight experiments on the mammals? :rolleyes:
So, on criminality, we've established that there is some evidence that transwomen have an overall offending rate closer to cis males than cis females. That includes some violent crime but we don't know, if only because looking for it was outwith the scope of the research, whether there was sexual offending never mind the type and scale of any such offending.

Have I got that right?

Shoplifting, even if only to eat is pretty common. Fights in or outside of pubs are too, often after offence was given or taken.


Legendary Member
If you paid attention in class you might have learned that biological impulses have nothing to do with modern human reproduction. It does not however mean that they do not exist.

If you could provide a bit more insight to the differences between a good old-fashioned rogering and 'modern' human reproduction that would be very instructive. Thanks.
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So, on criminality, we've established that there is some evidence that transwomen have an overall offending rate closer to cis males than cis females. That includes some violent crime but we don't know, if only because looking for it was outwith the scope of the research, whether there was sexual offending never mind the type and scale of any such offending.

Have I got that right?

Shoplifting, even if only to eat is pretty common. Fights in or outside of pubs are too, often after offence was given or taken.

Closer to? It's the same in the research. If you look at transwomen prisoners in jail for sex offences it's higher than non trans males. I can quite happily say that's because they aren't really trans, but if you are insisting 'you are who you say you are' then presumably you will want them including in the transwomen offender stats.

The gymnastics you guys are prepared to do to prove that transwomen are magically different from other men is astounding.

Can anyone explain why saying 'I am a woman' magically renders someone a reduced risk? And why the person saying 'I am a woman' should be given a free pass on safeguarding that we don't give to others who don't say the magic words?

It's like saying the crime stats show Taurean men offend at the same rate as other men, but because the stats aren't broken down by crime we can't really know. 'Perhaps Taureans are just shoplifters but never sex offenders and therefore they don't require the same level of vigilance around their likelihood of offending as other men' would be nonsense.


Legendary Member
If you could provide a bit more insight to the differences between a good old-fashioned rogering and 'modern' human reproduction that would be very instructive. Thanks.


"Hey, you're bigly sexy, I like your pussy, I'm the bestest billionaire so bend over, shut up and take it. Here's a hundred big ones to keep your mouth shut"


"I say, would you like to meet up for a drink? [drink goes well]. Shall we go back to mine? Marvellous. I like you tremendously Rosemary, may I have your consent for a kiss?" etc etc ad nauseam...
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