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Legendary Member

"Hey, you're bigly sexy, I like your pussy, I'm the bestest billionaire so bend over, shut up and take it. Here's a hundred big ones to keep your mouth shut"


"I say, would you like to meet up for a drink? [drink goes well]. Shall we go back to mine? Marvellous. I like you tremendously Rosemary, may I have your consent for a kiss?" etc etc ad nauseam...

Truly fascinating ...

In the first scenario we are treated to the courtship rituals of Donald Trump with Ernst Blofeld, in the second the flirtations between Fred and Rosemary West.

I'm inspired by the romance of it - I'm off to the library for some Mills and Boon. :rolleyes:
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The gymnastics you guys are prepared to do to prove that transwomen are magically different from other men is astounding.

Can anyone explain why saying 'I am a woman' magically renders someone a reduced risk?

Do you know what a self-selecting sample is, Aurora?


Master of the Inane Comment
if you are insisting 'you are who you say you are

I self identify as the wisest, most widely read, best informed - a veritable storehouse of information, subtle and nuanced, articulate yet witty and entertaining poster ever to have contributed to this forum, or who ever will contribute to this or any other forum.

Also the most tolerant.

I shall sue anybody who disagrees with this.



I self identify as the wisest, most widely read, best informed - a veritable storehouse of information, subtle and nuanced, articulate yet witty and entertaining poster ever to have contributed to this forum, or who ever will contribute to this or any other forum.

Also the most tolerant.

I shall sue anybody who disagrees with this.

I think of you more as an attack helicopter.


Well-Known Member
This just sums up rora in a meme


Legendary Member
But what she won't do is explain why the above cartoon isn't reflected in reality.
Because it's a cartoon meme? It's not actually real. In both cases the outcome would be as per the top.
Her point is that there is an increased risk of the scenario in the first place.

There have been several attacks on women in toilets by transwomen in the UK and around the world. Probably not enough to be worth getting het up about though.


Well-Known Member
Because it's a cartoon meme? It's not actually real. In both cases the outcome would be as per the top.
Her point is that there is an increased risk of the scenario in the first place.

There have been several attacks on women in toilets by transwomen in the UK and around the world. Probably not enough to be worth getting het up about though.

It tells a story of what is actually happening in society now.


Legendary Member
It tells a story of what is actually happening in society now.
Not according to @multitool
Because it's a cartoon meme? It's not actually real. In both cases the outcome would be as per the top.
Her point is that there is an increased risk of the scenario in the first place.

There have been several attacks on women in toilets by transwomen in the UK and around the world. Probably not enough to be worth getting het up about though.

Ahh, our old friend the unevidenced 'several' again.

Can you link us to a couple of cases where it's actually been reported and preferably investigated.


You’re just been silly now.

Am I? How?

That cartoon depicts icow and AS's panic-mongering that self-ID will lead to men, who fully resemble men, exposing their genitalia to women in women's spaces and anybody complaining will be prosecuted for discriminatory behaviour.

Firstly, and most importantly, that possibility that men would do this would already be in evidence in the 40 countries with Self ID, and we'd know all about it from AS. The fact that she is silent on this should tell you something.

Secondly, there is an assumption that there is a law in place that would lead to the woman being prosecuted, and that the law is so inflexible that it would not allow for the possibility of indecent exposure.
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Closer to? It's the same in the research. If you look at transwomen prisoners in jail for sex offences it's higher than non trans males. I can quite happily say that's because they aren't really trans, but if you are insisting 'you are who you say you are' then presumably you will want them including in the transwomen offender stats.

The gymnastics you guys are prepared to do to prove that transwomen are magically different from other men is astounding.

Can anyone explain why saying 'I am a woman' magically renders someone a reduced risk? And why the person saying 'I am a woman' should be given a free pass on safeguarding that we don't give to others who don't say the magic words?

It's like saying the crime stats show Taurean men offend at the same rate as other men, but because the stats aren't broken down by crime we can't really know. 'Perhaps Taureans are just shoplifters but never sex offenders and therefore they don't require the same level of vigilance around their likelihood of offending as other men' would be nonsense.

My reading of the research as quoted upthread is that, for whatever reason, the offending differed between cohorts.

Do the transwomen in gaol include those who offended as men?

I'm not engaging in either gymnastics or professing some sort of belief in the magic of particular words. Provided the person who says 'I'm a woman' has shown some sort of commitment to transitioning, and even what would be required under the Scottish reform would show such a commitment, then that fact suggests they're less of a risk then ordinary men, never mind a person aiming to get access to women's spaces and bodies for sexual gratification with malice aforethought. As I've said before I know, or know of, three or four transwomen (and one transman).

None of them are the remotest risk to women.

Their not my friends and I'm not trying to be kind. I just don't understand why they cannot be allowed to just behave as the women they've chosen to become.


Because bigotry. Occams razor.

People like AS have to define a threat into existence because that threat doesn't actually exist.
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