From unbeatable record as a man, to coming 3rd from last as a woman. That's some incredible "retained male advantage".
Lol. 3rd from last in one race. They've barely ridden since transitioning and times don't seem to be available so hard to compare how they would place against females in the same race. It's hardly in Bridges' interests to do well in any races though, seeing as their long term future in the sport is dependent on showing they can't do as well as before. Just like the Loughborough study they are taking part in - it's marking your own homework in effect.
Now do Lia Thomas and compare their national placing as a male with their placing as a female.
Could that be because 5-ard " a condition that affects male sexual development before birth and during puberty. People with this condition are genetically male, with one X and one Y chromosome in each cell, and they have male gonads (testes)."
Yes, athletes with this dsd are biological males. That's the whole point. Allowing them to enter the women's category is therefore unfair, however difficult their personal background is, and whether they have reduced testosterone or not.
Maybe, maybe not.
If you have a trans man, not on testosterone, riding in the women's category on a regular basis, how long before questions are raised about them competing in the wrong section/class?
Especially if there is a case of sour grapes going round.
Why would people complain if they are in the correct riding class and not taking testosterone? They have no advantage. The BC regs still allow people to use the changing rooms of the gender they identify as.
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