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Anybody still wondering why actual Nazis keep turning up to KJK rallies?

Kellie explains herself here:


That clip says nothing about Nazis. You just post this stuff knowing most readers won't view it but you hope words like 'Nazis' stick in their mind. I suspect that both you and Comerford know that she is talking about tribalism and people 'throwing around labels like white supremacist' because she feels this an issue that cuts across Left and Right, which is why she is willing to be on shows with people like Matt Walsh.

Others in the gender critical movement disagree with her but it's desperate stuff if you think that 10 second clip is proof she's a Nazi. You'd have done well in 17th century Salem.

Good of Comerford to put aside his obsessive posting about JK Rowling to rant at another woman for a change though.

You wouldn't understand - it's called people having fun.

For some people it's also about attainment. And if a platform is going to record times and placings then the procedure for doing so should be as fair as possible, surely.

This is just the old argument of 'It doesn't matter to me so it shouldn't matter to anyone'.
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
Hell even I have Queen of the Mountains on segments on Strava. In one case I didn't even know it was a segment, but it was blowing a hooley and started to rain, so I just headed for home. On other segments I'm in the slowest 10 per cent. It should be obvious that elite level cyclists are going to win at Strava segments - and yes they exist only for fun, which is why nobody gets too upset at the thousands of cheats winning at everything using motorbikes.

Do you know so little about cycling?

I am not a great fan of transwomen competing with Cis women in most regulated sports competitions, including cycling, unless the clear majority of Cis women in those sports support their involvement, but I see absolutely no problem in them participating in Strava women's categories, .

Strava is different. It is not a competition, but part vanity, part social, and part performance monitoring as an aid to improvement. It is impossible to monitor and tbh not worth it. Those two transwomen above are not exactly sneaking in under the radar to fool anyone.
For some people it's also about attainment. And if a platform is going to record times and placings then the procedure for doing so should be as fair as possible, surely.

If I ride a segment in 6.47 and someone else rides it in 5.48 I have still “attained” 6.47, haven’t I? Placings in an actual competition with rules and umpires and prizes may matter to some, but using Strava as an example of unfairness is pretty weak.


That clip says nothing about Nazis.

For the hard of understanding (like Aurora) the clip shows Keen exhorting people to ignore the fact that some of the people on her side are white supremacists etc because she claims that the 0.1% of people who are TW are the biggest threat.

I said that is why Nazis keep turning up to her rallies, because as she makes clear, they are welcome.
It doesn't, you're right. Just the 'right-wing' and 'white supremacists' (harmless folk, obv).

And what does it say about them exactly? Not much at all as far as I can see. Somebody has trawled her videos to find a few seconds with a couple of buzzwords in as though the clip says something meaningful. I've never seen her YouTube stuff so I can't be arsed to find the full video, or watch it, but I imagine if it has anything more damning Comerford would have shown those bits instead.

For the hard of understanding (like Aurora) the clip shows Keen exhorting people to ignore the fact that some of the people on her side are white supremacists etc because she claims that the 0.1% of people who are TW are the biggest threat.

I said that is why Nazis keep turning up to her rallies, because as she makes clear, they are welcome.

She's made it clear Nazis aren't welcome at her Let Women Speak meetings. As for 'keep turning up' KJK has events every couple of weeks and the only agitators turning up regularly are transactivists like these last week:

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If I ride a segment in 6.47 and someone else rides it in 5.48 I have still “attained” 6.47, haven’t I? Placings in an actual competition with rules and umpires and prizes may matter to some, but using Strava as an example of unfairness is pretty weak.

You have but what you seem to be saying is that because it doesn't matter to you it shouldn't matter to anyone. Why record placings for things like Parkrun or Strava at all if they are just for fun?
If your teenage daughter got QOM on Strava wouldn't you be chuffed for her? And if a male beat her record by a large percentage, you wouldn't be disappointed for her?


Legendary Member
Zero assaults since 2019, wasn't it? So did all the trans women disappear from female prisons in 2019,
Yes, effectively. Prison policy was revamped and although a very few transwomen are still in women's prisons, most were prevented from doing to. Those that are in women's prisons are tightly policed I believe and spend a lot of time on their own.


Aurora is so captured by the hate ideology of the GC movement that she is blind to this incredible statement by Keen.

We've been saying for months that anti-trans is an entryist Trojan Horse for the extreme right. Keen is now so confident that she can now just come out with it.


Yes, effectively. Prison policy was revamped and although a very few transwomen are still in women's prisons, most were prevented from doing to. Those that are in women's prisons are tightly policed I believe and spend a lot of time on their own.

And this "revamp" was 4 years ago was it?
If your teenage daughter got QOM on Strava wouldn't you be chuffed for her? And if a male beat her record by a large percentage, you wouldn't be disappointed for her?
I think I’d have taken my lead from her. I doubt she would have been bothered but I’ll mention it next time we chat and report back.


Legendary Member
In other news, this is an interesting watch:-


Ignoring the fact that it is set up to explore a particular narrative point of view and that clips have been curated etc etc, and that the guy can be a bit of an idiot at times, what is concerning is the number of interviewees who either want to close down discussion or have it removed. For example, it's notable that the Dr Phil episode was removed from rebroadcast because some of the people involved were "emotionally injured" by having to have an open discussion.


Legendary Member
If you are watching anything to do with Matt Walsh you've already crossed the threshold and lost your mind
Ah. So he should be shut down along with all other discussion. I forgot.

Have you ever heard the phrase "know your enemy"? Were you one of those people calling for the Life of Brian to be banned for blasphemy?

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
First time I tried Strava I'd borrowed Mrs Celine's smartphone. I went out on a 40 mile loop and came back with three QOMs.
Mrs Celine didn't delete them but simply adopted them as her own.
They've all long since been bettered. One by a former colleague, although for all I know it could have been her husband.
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