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Trans identifying males Emily Bridges and Cara Dixon doing pretty well on Strava this week. Still, it's just for fun isn't it, Strava?



Legendary Member
Trans identifying males Emily Bridges and Cara Dixon doing pretty well on Strava this week. Still, it's just for fun isn't it, Strava?

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Hell even I have Queen of the Mountains on segments on Strava. In one case I didn't even know it was a segment, but it was blowing a hooley and started to rain, so I just headed for home. On other segments I'm in the slowest 10 per cent. It should be obvious that elite level cyclists are going to win at Strava segments - and yes they exist only for fun, which is why nobody gets too upset at the thousands of cheats winning at everything using motorbikes.

Do you know so little about cycling?


Legendary Member
Once again, personal comments rather than arguing your case.

I wasn't arguing a case, I was ridiculing what appeared to be an apparent abuse of data.

There is no case to argue - to say it again, no women have been assaulted by trans prisoners, be they trans men or trans women since 2019.

Try and spin it however you like. Transwomen in the female estate comit a disproportionately high number of assaults compared to women.

The rate of offence is 0%, yet you continue with this narrative of great harm. Why is that? Is it that you can't do data, or that you are deliberately creating false narratives?
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Legendary Member
I think you missed the point which is that with rubbish stats like those provided you can make them tell any story you want.

Actually no. I was referring to the way the data can be portrayed to sensationalise things. There was a policy review in 2019 which does appear to have fixed things somewhat.

I was wondering how it could be that you could get this so wrong.

Yes, I agree. Pretty alarming. I'm not sure that transwomen should be in women's prisons on this basis.

Then I thought this must be irony, but then this last line persuaded me that you must be serious.
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Whataboutery. Glad you agree they are all cheats though. 'Cheating on Strava in general' isn't in itself relevant to the discussion on this thread, transwomen in the Women's sports category is.


Legendary Member
How does either means affect you personally though?

Why does it have to? Isn't enough that it is affecting women?


Legendary Member
Whataboutery. Glad you agree they are all cheats though. 'Cheating on Strava in general' isn't in itself relevant to the discussion on this thread, transwomen in the Women's sports category is.

Stop spoonfeeding me your bullshit, I agreed no such thing - you are so very dishonest.
The rate of offence is 0%, yet you continue with this narrative of great harm.....

The rate of offence is 0% because it's much harder for men to be transferred to the female estate now. When there are more men in the female estate the number of assaults they commit goes up. And it's proportionately higher than the rate of assaults made by biological women. We can keep the number of assaults by transwomen at zero by excluding them from women's jails altogether.

Not a mention of the thousands of obvious cheats on Strava - just trans women - blatant transphobia.

Few things are more obviously cheating than a male riding in the female category. Usain Bolt in the Yr 6 egg and spoon race perhaps.


The rate of offence is 0% because it's much harder for men to be transferred to the female estate now.

Zero assaults since 2019, wasn't it? So did all the trans women disappear from female prisons in 2019, or is this Aurora's standard disingenuous warm diarrhea?

P.s. Strava. LOL.

Ian H

Legendary Member
You wouldn't understand - it's called people having fun.

Just to explain the bleedin' obvious: if I go for a ride I will pass some segments and my times over those segments will be recorded - just because I'm on Strava. If I'm fast enough (haha!) I might appear on a leader-board (is that what they're called?). I am not even aware of whoever else might have ridden the same segment, and I really don't care. It's just a bit of harmless fun - unless of course you're the kind of cyclist who tries to 'win' club-runs (& we all know about those, don't we).
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