Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
If people who consider themselves to be on the progressive left (not meaning anyone in particular by that) dismiss women's concerns because they say it's not happening/ok, it is, but not very much/well it doesn't really matter anyway ......
I think it's a bit unrealistic for the same people to demand ideological purity from the people they are busy either ignoring or actively throwing under the bus.

It's also perfectly possible to fight both left wing misogyny on gender issues and right wing misogyny on gender issues at the same time. UK feminists have been doing it for years.

When Labour politicians go on Russia Today, are they giving Putin a free pass?

The 'ideological purity' is all your's.


MOJ guidelines on 'The care and management of transgender prisoners' were updated in July 2019, after the Karen White case in December 2018. Then updated again in April 2023 in response to the stuff in Scotland.

Just read it. The big change is that prisoners with violent or sexual convictions were removed. There were still nearly 200 TW in female prisons in 2022, and yet no assaults.

Therefore the conclusion to be drawn is that the common factor is not that prisoners are transgender, but whether they are violent. ie. exactly the same as cis female prisoners.

I'm sure our resident 'statistician' :whistle:, icow, will rock up to tell us how such tiny sample numbers can produce valid comparative statistics. Perhaps he'd care to find out about Simpson's paradox before he does ;)
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Just read it. The big change is that prisoners with violent or sexual convictions were removed. There were still nearly 200 TW in female prisons in 2022, and yet no assaults.

Where are you getting that figure from? As I understand it, in March 2022 there were 49 transgender prisoners in the female estate, of whom 6 were transwomen.


Legendary Member
'm sure our resident 'statistician' :whistle:, icow, will rock up to tell us how such tiny sample numbers can produce valid comparative statistics. Perhaps he'd care to find out about Simpson's paradox before he does ;)
Nah - I'll leave it to our resident 14 year old.

PS: If you use an @ when you mention people you can type my handle correctly in only three characters (by using autocomplete) as you find 7 so difficult.


Nah - I'll leave it to our resident 14 year old.

PS: If you use an @ when you mention people you can type my handle correctly in only three characters (by using autocomplete) as you find 7 so difficult.

Don't need to, because as you can see, you replied regardless icow.

Simpson's paradox is an effect that occurs when the marginal association between two categorical variables is qualitatively different from the partial association between the same two variables after controlling for one or more other variables.

It's how you get TW being a safer population in female estate than cis females if you remove the variable (the violent ones)

Happy to help.
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Well-Known Member
This woke is only leading to trans humanism. Weaken America and the West. 5 Billion Global Genocide. Brainwashing. One World Totalitarian government. Corrupt Younger generation to be innefectual Slaves For the NWO-WEF CULT..... Many More Agendas Operating All at the Same Time. Satanic Socialism, Bolshevism, Communism, Marxism, Collectivism. All of Them Worshipping DEVILS maybe.


Elder Goth
This woke is only leading to trans humanism. Weaken America and the West. 5 Billion Global Genocide. Brainwashing. One World Totalitarian government. Corrupt Younger generation to be innefectual Slaves For the NWO-WEF CULT..... Many More Agendas Operating All at the Same Time. Satanic Socialism, Bolshevism, Communism, Marxism, Collectivism. All of Them Worshipping DEVILS maybe.

I mean, a lot of your posts on here are properly off the deep end, but this really is something else. I'm not sure whether to be impressed or send help...


Active Member


This woke is only leading to trans humanism. Weaken America and the West. 5 Billion Global Genocide. Brainwashing. One World Totalitarian government. Corrupt Younger generation to be innefectual Slaves For the NWO-WEF CULT..... Many More Agendas Operating All at the Same Time. Satanic Socialism, Bolshevism, Communism, Marxism, Collectivism. All of Them Worshipping DEVILS maybe.

This is like one of those Magic Eye posters, isn't it.

If you squint, so that the text goes blurry you can see the word 'JEWS' appear.

Ian H

Legendary Member


Legendary Member
Remember, this woman is trying to stop people doing what they want with their own bodies.
I'm pretty sure that she is actually pro women having autonomy over their own bodies?
I thought her platform was about really trying to stop youngsters having irreversible medical interventions on the basis of very little evidence that it helps.

One of the points in the documentary illustrated somewhat heavy handedly with the children's book about billy the walrus, is that if Billy says that he is a walrus, we don't offer irreversible walrus surgery and interventions to turn him into a walrus. If on the other hand Billy says he is a girl, we do offer irreversible surgery and interventions, and therefore raises the question as to why we are treating one cohort of people differently to say people who identify as transabled and want a limb removed.
There were still nearly 200 TW in female prisons in 2022, and yet no assaults.

Any update on the origin of this remarkable assertion yet, statistics expert?

You missed out the next tweet:

I can't be arsed debunking your cherry picked video clips but presumably you are against children and adults with body dysphoria having exploratory therapy to make sure their gender identity issues aren't simply the result of other conditions. Bearing in mind that autistic children, gay kids, and kids in care, were overrepresented in those referred to the Tavistock, most people would think it's best to look into all those other issues before you put them on the path to irreversible surgeries.

And even adults deserve proper psychological care and evaluation when you are talking about life changing surgery.



Here's Jan Morris's daughter, Suki Morys, talking about her childhood and the myth grown up around Jan Morris.

" (Jan's) memoir was published in 1974 and serialised in The Sunday Times, and the story didn’t quite fit for me. Now I have read more of Jan’s books, I have come to the conclusion that, other than the portrayal of place, all her accounts are pretty much fantasy".

"Jan had a very specific view of what constituted a “woman”. First, a woman should train to be a secretary, next get married, then have babies and finally look after the family. In other words, a completely sexist view. I was brought up knowing this was what was expected of me; I was given no alternatives."

"She may have been a wonderful writer, but, much though I loved her, she was a lousy parent who damaged all four of her living children one way or another."

Jan Morris treated their wife and their children horrendously and then crafted a myth of themselves as a brave transwoman pioneer.

You wait till you hear about people who think they are gay, icow

Gay people aren't encouraged to become life long medical patients or have their breasts or genitals removed in order to be their 'authentic selves' so they don't require exploratory therapy.
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