Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
You wait till you hear about people who think they are gay, icow
There are people who are gay. What of it? They don't require surgical intervention or medicines.
No-one is saying that you cannot choose the life you want to live.

The questions are around surgical interventions and where you force your views on other people, force changes in rules just to suit you and to the detriment of another group of people. There is no field at which gay men and women excel which is to the detriment of other groups. Men who choose to portray themselves as women, even with surgical and medical interventions, still outperform women, break their records and devalue their achievements.


Any update on the origin of this remarkable assertion yet, statistics expert?

Nope. Can't find what I was looking at. It was whilst doing some other stuff so it may be that I misread some data.

However I do know what statistical significance is, unlike you, or icow whose ability with maths, let alone statistics is about on the same level as my ability to fly a 747.And I do know that trying to generalise from such small numbers is just pure wânk. Icow didn't even know what Simpson's paradox is. Very odd for somebody who claims to be a data professional.

You missed out the next tweet:
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You being you don't even realise that makes it worse, not better. "Conversion therapy". They tried that with the gays, you know. Didn't end well.

Here you are, sticking up for a woman who wants us all to accept and welcome the Nazis.
Nope. Can't find what I was looking at. It was whilst doing some other stuff so it may be that I misread some data.
You posted something that was blatantly wrong to make the ratio of transwomen offenders to assault stats look more favourable. When in the female estate they comit prison assaults at a higher ratio than actual women. That's the data.

You being you don't even realise that makes it worse, not better. "Conversion therapy". They tried that with the gays, you know. Didn't end well.

Gender critical feminists aren't in favour of conversion therapy. They pretty much support a ban on it. What they don't support is that ban including exploratory therapy for kids and adults with body/gender issues. They don't support automatic affirmation for children; they think all their psychological issues should be looked at before patients are put on a medical and surgical pathway.

If you had even a basic understanding of children and young adults you would grasp that just as with anorexia there can be other stuff going on. It's no coincidence that most kids referred to the Tavistock were girls, same sex attracted, and many of them were on the autistic spectrum.

Around 80% of kids with gender distress find it resolves after puberty if a 'watchful waiting' and therapy approach is taken. You would deny them this avenue of treatment presumably.



It isn't conversion therapy to ensure that both children and adults aren't simply fast tracked onto irreversible drugs and surgery. Which is why the Netherlands, Norway, France, and the UK have all started to move away from puberty blockers to a more holistic model.

Here you are, sticking up for a woman who wants us all to accept and welcome the Nazis. -

Nope, just tired of your mud-slinging-hoping-it -sticks posts.

Plenty of lesbians speak at KJK's meetings - doesn't sound very Nazi of her. Apparently a few weeks ago a transactivist managed to sneak through to the mic. They actually let them finish speaking. Not very Nazi-ish either.

Funnily enough the ones on your side, masked up and dressed in black, shouting abuse, shouting mantras, stopping women meeting, discussing, or watching films, and holding 'Decapitate Terfs' and 'Arm Trans Kids' signs seem like the more authoritarian ones.


Gender critical feminists aren't in favour of conversion therapy. They pretty much support a ban on it.

It was you quoting it as an example of KJK being "kind".

Now you are arguing with yourself.

If you had even a basic understanding of children and young adults you would grasp that just as with anorexia there can be other stuff going on. It's no coincidence that most kids referred to the Tavistock were girls, same sex attracted, and many of them were on the autistic spectrum.

Around 80% of kids with gender distress find it resolves after puberty if a 'watchful waiting' and therapy approach is taken. You would deny them this avenue of treatment presumably.

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It isn't conversion therapy to ensure that both children and adults aren't simply fast tracked onto irreversible drugs and surgery. Which is why the Netherlands, Norway, France, and the UK have all started to move away from puberty blockers to a more holistic model.

Pretty sure I've got a better understanding of children and young adults than you, somebody with an almost aspergic inability to feel compassion or empathy. Besides, WHAT ARE YOU GOUNG IN ABOUT? Keen us talking about conversion therapy you utter maniac.

Plenty of lesbians speak at KJK's meetings -

Lesbians, you say?

Here is Keen openly boasting that she lied about being a lesbian in order to harass a member of staff on a train for wearing a pride lanyard.


Right piece of work you are so keen to defend
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Nope, you've tried to characterise exploratory therapy as the same as gay conversion therapy when it isn't. As we know from the Tavistock stats, they were transing gay kids - to the point where one medic said 'There'll be no gay kids left at this rate'.

But then you think the Tavistock was so successful that they're opening two more so I'm not sure how much of the gender therapy/treatment protocols you grasp at all.


What the hell are you going on about you loon?

I haven't mentioned Tavistock, or children. I cited KJK's own words, which were about conversion therapy.
"Conversion therapy". They tried that with the gays, you know. Didn't end well.
You've deliberately conflated exploratory therapy for body/gender issues with gay conversion therapy.

Your fixation with KJK is really something to behold though. She's still Schrodinger's feminist I presume. On the one hand a crackpot minority figure that speaks for noone, yet at the same time the organiser of Nazi rallies and worthy of hundreds of tweets from men very like yourself.
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You've deliberately conflated exploratory therapy for body/gender issues with gay conversion therapy.

Your fixation with KJK is really something to behold though. She's still Schrodinger's feminist I presume. On the one hand a crackpot minority figure that speaks for noone, yet at the same time the organiser of Nazi rallies and worthy of hundreds of tweets from men very like yourself.

You are utterly weird.

I haven't conflated anything with anything. I've quoted Keen's actual words. That is all.

As for my supposed "fixation", it isn't half as weird as your immediate leap to defend her, every time she is mentioned by anyone, whilst trying to pretend that you aren't . That you try to gatekeep this thread is also, frankly, pretty obsessive.

Why do I mention Keen? Because she is probably the most significant face of the GC community. So significant that she is frequently cited by JK Rowling.
She's one voice among many. It just suits you to use her as a stick to attack all gender critical women. Saves you having to address the actual arguments I suppose.


She's one voice among many. It just suits you to use her as a stick to attack all gender critical women. Saves you having to address the actual arguments I suppose.

I literally quote her. And you pop up and defend her. Weird.

Your 'arguments' have been dealt with conclusively many times. Repeating them as nauseam won't make them any less wrong.


Legendary Member
However I do know what statistical significance is, unlike you, or icow whose ability with maths, let alone statistics is about on the same level as my ability to fly a 747.And I do know that trying to generalise from such small numbers is just pure wânk. Icow didn't even know what Simpson's paradox is. Very odd for somebody who claims to be a data professional.
Sorry - can you provide the quote where I said that? Or are you just irrationally jumping to conclusions again? Just because I ignore something that comes from the teenage 4x4 in the room, doesn't mean that I don't know what you are talking about.
Here you are, sticking up for a woman who wants us all to accept and welcome the Nazis.
Looking forward to you providing evidence for this assertion.


Sorry - can you provide the quote where I said that? Or are you just irrationally jumping to conclusions again? Just because I ignore something that comes from the teenage 4x4 in the room, doesn't mean that I don't know what you are talking about.

Said what? Which bit? That you know FA about statistics? It's blatantly obvious icow. I think you once claimed to be a data analyst didn't you? Pure BS. I reckon you work in IT. You may be involved in systems that handle data, but it's clear it isn't you analysing it, nor do you have any background in maths, or even anything that involves it, such as a scientific discipline. Amirite? Don't try and BS me that you knew what Simpson's paradox is.

Because if you had, you'd have been alert to the fact that if you take the remaining TW population in female prisons, and extrapolated from their zero rate of assaults to TW in general, you'd have realised that it would mean they have a lower rate of violent or sexual assaults that cis-female prisoners.

Looking forward to you providing evidence for this assertion.

What, that AS rocked up to try and defend KJK from her own words?
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Because if you had, you'd have been alert to the fact that if you take the remaining TW population in female prisons, and extrapolated from their zero rate of assaults to TW in general, you'd have realised that it would mean they have a lower rate of violent or sexual assaults that cis-female prisoners.
Nobody is extrapolating the prison assaults stats to transwomen in general, ie outside prison. It's not relevant. It's simply the data on assaults in prison. And it shows transwomen in the female estate comit assaults at a higher ratio than actual women in the female estate. And when the number of transwomen in female jails go down, so do the assaults transwomen commit, obviously.

What, that AS rocked up to try and defend KJK from her own words?

It's not her own words in full though is it. You simply link to some blokes tweet with a 5 second out of context video clip. And if the next tweet back tracks on the allegation a bit you don't include it lol. Your whole argument is endless mud slinging and crying Nazi.

I have no idea what KJK thinks about most gender stuff. Unlike you though, regardless of her opinions, I think she has a right to have her events without the women attending being subject to intimidation, threats, and violence.


Legendary Member
Because if you had, you'd have been alert to the fact that if you take the remaining TW population in female prisons, and extrapolated from their zero rate of assaults to TW in general, you'd have realised that it would mean they have a lower rate of violent or sexual assaults that cis-female prisoners.
Thank you for illustrating my point that you can make statistics support whatever lunatic argument you want them to support.

What, that AS rocked up to try and defend KJK from her own words?
No, let me help with your short term memory loss. You stated:-
Here you are, sticking up for a woman who wants us all to accept and welcome the Nazis.
I asked for evidence that KJK wants us to welcome the Nazis in the form of a quote from her.
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