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Legendary Member
In other news, Oxfam have had to row back on an animation for Pride month as a "hate group" illustration has been said to resemble JK Rowling:-


Obviously there is a resemblance. What I'm not clear on is why Jimmy Carr is also part of the hate group? The guy on the left looks familiar but I am having trouble placing him. Matt LeBlanc?


Watch her video, icow


Legendary Member
Nobody is extrapolating the prison assaults stats to transwomen in general, ie outside prison. It's not relevant. It's simply the data on assaults in prison. And it shows transwomen in the female estate comit assaults at a higher ratio than actual women in the female estate. And when the number of transwomen in female jails go down, so do the assaults transwomen commit, obviously.

Bollocks, and so obviously and blatantly bollocks. But carry on, because the more you say it the more obvious a liar you become.

The reports show that there have been no assaults by trans prisoners on other inmates in four years.

If this crime rate increased by a trillion percent in the next four years, that would be good! Why? Because it would still be zero - that's real maths for you.

So stop lying you fool, or just carry on and let an increasing number of people see you for what you are.
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I've got a pretty good idea. Have you had your critical faculties surgically removed?

I don't think you can change your sex, or that having men in women's prisons, changing rooms, sports etc is a good idea, so I think my critical faculties are ok, thanks. I also don't feel the need to find out what every figure in any movement thinks about everything. She's one voice. It's not like she's the leader of the Labour Party laying wreaths for terrorists.


Legendary Member
In other news, Oxfam have had to row back on an animation for Pride month as a "hate group" illustration has been said to resemble JK Rowling:-

View attachment 4007
Obviously there is a resemblance. What I'm not clear on is why Jimmy Carr is also part of the hate group? The guy on the left looks familiar but I am having trouble placing him. Matt LeBlanc?

JK Rowling is not a TERF. This is because she is not a radical feminist, not because she is not a bigot. If that was meant to be a representation of Rowling, then the TERF label would be incorrect. Same with Posie Parker. Both are representatives of the ultra right wing billionaires club.

In my view Posie Parker is the worst of the two since she is falsely claiming to be protecting women's rights - she really isn't. She's just Ron de Santis pretending to be Marilyn Monroe.
Bollocks, and so obviously and blatantly bollocks. But carry on, because the more you say it the more obvious a liar you become.

The reports show that there have been no assaults by trans prisoners on other inmates in four years.

If this crime rate increased by a trillion percent in the next four years, that would be good! Why because it would still be zero - that's real maths for you.

So stop lying you fool, or just carry on and let an increasing number of people see you for what you are.

It's zero because thanks to the change in 2019 there are now only 6 transwomen in the female estate, with reduced prospects of any others being transferred. Hopefully eventually there will be none.

It's funny how the prisons and sports thing brings out the vitriol. I suppose it's because it really hammers home that transwomen are really just very obviously men after all. Even the most naive and want-to-be-kind individuals see Isla Bryson and Lia Thomas and think 'Hang on a minute...'
JK Rowling is not a TERF. This is because she is not a radical feminist, not because she is not a bigot. If that was meant to be a representation of Rowling, then the TERF label would be incorrect. Same with Posie Parker. Both are representatives of the ultra right wing billionaires club.

Didn't you once say you'd had hateful mail from JK Rowling? Can you give me a direct quote of the bigoted things she's said? Her own words, not a link to some dodgy hit piece. Just one quote will do.


Legendary Member
It's zero because thanks to the change in 2019 there are now only 6 transwomen in the female estate, with reduced prospects of any others being transferred. Hopefully eventually there will be none.

So if it's zero, why continue being alarmist? It means that you can no longer maintain the position that the Equality Act needs to be changed to protect women in prison. It's a totally bogus argument.

It all goes back to Karen White doesn't it. White was held on remand. The prison service, or in this case Group 4 if memory serves correctly, failed in its duty to risk assess. They later apologised for their failure. The outsourcing of the service led to the failure.

More often than not, these failures are due to political failures, just like the over-crowding of women's prisons, and the failure to control crime in prison.

We women need to unite to one voice to challenge these failure, rather than blabbing on about trans women due to this political failure.

The greater harm caused by these failure has been the number of suicides of trans prisoners, and otherwise the mental injury from the torture of 24 hour isolation.


Legendary Member
Didn't you once say you'd had hateful mail from JK Rowling? Can you give me a direct quote of the bigoted things she's said? Her own words, not a link to some dodgy hit piece. Just one quote will do.

I had one message from her. I did the same as I always do to hate mail, I deleted it, and blocked her. Same with Shahrar Ali who tried to harass me on-line with cyber bullying and threatening behaviour, and who by the way, before he started pretending that he is all concerned about women's rights was well known in the Green Party as a misogynist (and still is).
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The reports show that there have been no assaults by trans prisoners on other inmates in four years.

If this crime rate increased by a trillion percent in the next four years, that would be good! Why? Because it would still be zero - that's real maths for you.

Could we have an impartial (or at least informed) view from one of the forum statistical-analysis experts on this? Is Mr @multitool available?


Legendary Member
It's funny how the prisons and sports thing brings out the vitriol.

I've used no vitriol. This is a lie. Calling a liar a liar, or a bigot a bigot is not vitriol. Calling people who use foolish arguments idiots or fools is not vitriol.

I have said almost nothing about sport.

I laughed out your nonsense about Strava segments, like they are actual sport, and given how much we all know that there are no real protections from any form of cheating, meaning that trying to make out there is a genuine concern about trans people on Strava is just more bollocks.

While you've been calling for changes to the EqA, you've not made a decent argument of saying why. On the other hand, it is been shown by multiple posters that your demands just create distress for women, such as is the case with policing toilets.

When you use so many bogus arguments, it becomes obvious that the concerns are not legitimate concerns, they are just self-justification for bigotry.


Legendary Member
Could we have an impartial (or at least informed) view from one of the forum statistical-analysis experts on this? Is Mr @multitool available?

Use a calculator and try multiplying any number by zero. You'll soon have the answer.

BTW, I haven't spotted any such errors in MT's posting - he looks sound to me.
I don't think you can change your sex, or that having men in women's prisons, changing rooms, sports etc is a good idea, so I think my critical faculties are ok, thanks. I also don't feel the need to find out what every figure in any movement thinks about everything. She's one voice. It's not like she's the leader of the Labour Party laying wreaths for terrorists.
Or, like yourself extolling the virtues of a terrorist organisation whose leader chose to flee the country rather than face up to what they'd done.
Her bombmaking handbook is still in use to this day.
I've used no vitriol. This is a lie. Calling a liar a liar, or a bigot a bigot is not vitriol. Calling people who use foolish arguments idiots or fools is not vitriol.

I have said almost nothing about sport.

I laughed out your nonsense about Strava segments, like they are actual sport, and given how much we all know that there are no real protections from any form of cheating, meaning that trying to make out there is a genuine concern about trans people on Strava is just more bollocks.

While you've been calling for changes to the EqA, you've not made a decent argument of saying why. On the other hand, it is been shown by multiple posters that your demands just create distress for women, such as is the case with policing toilets.

When you use so many bogus arguments, it becomes obvious that the concerns are not legitimate concerns, they are just self-justification for bigotry.
I'm waiting on the "Mick Dundee" test being rolled out, and the first prosecution for assault when it's tried.


Legendary Member
I don't think you can change your sexI

I don't hear trans people talk about 'sex changes', that'll be the media. Perhaps your criticisms are being misdirected.

Has anyone on this thread claimed that it is possible for humans to change every aspect of biological sex? I don't think so.

It's a mystery why you think this taunt will work. It's just another failure.
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