Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
And I'm still laughing at the idea that Strava is a sport.

Box Hill in Surrey is an iconic place for cycling. Yet here is one Strava segment on Box Hill where not one of the top ten on the leaderboard is a genuine entry, (though with one possible exception). But trans women eh?


  • box hill strava segment.PNG
    box hill strava segment.PNG
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Legendary Member
It was correctly followed for Karen White.

It wasn't. You are lying again.

It was admitted as a failure to carry out a risk assessment. A public apology was made.


Legendary Member
Plenty of gays and lesbians are very much 'LGB without the T' and they seem to support and be welcomed by KJK, which contradicts the 'She's a Nazi' thing a bit.

The 'case by case' assessment was likely followed for the ones who committed the assaults recorded in the stats. It was correctly followed for Karen White. That's how they got to be in women's prisons in the first place. It shows the whole policy didn't work. It's what you get when you let activists write policy. (As in Scotland too).

Proper self ID would give transwomen access to all female single sex spaces - it's not self ID otherwise. If self ID laws were passed it seems very unlikely that pressure groups like Stonewall are going to let there be any exceptions. In fact it's in their objectives to do away with all the single sex exemptions of the Equality Act.

Lol. Good job the arguments against your batsh*t gender ideology nonsense rest on science, evolution, and common sense then isn't it.

Well you can have implants removed. You can't replace unnecessary double maestectomies or severed penises. You can't replace hair lost through testosterone or make a deep voice high again. Or reverse infertility or loss of sexual function.

If anybody wants to see what Monkers is cheering on, Google 'top surgery' or 'trans man phallus surgery'.

You really are a humourless tit. I actually think anyone should be able to elect for breast augmentation if that's what they want and the surgical risks are not greater for them than others.
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Legendary Member
Proper self ID would give transwomen access to all female single sex spaces - it's not self ID otherwise.

You've just unwittingly shown that it's all self-ID and that it doesn't need medicalising. The EqA already provides that for those people who tell their GP that they intend to transition that they have the same rights as a trans woman with a GRC. The GP can be asked to provide a letter of confirmation to that effect.

A change to 'biological sex' to the protected characteristic of sex will not undo this. This is why even the EHRC informed Badenoch that her ambition will not be easy to achieve. Basic stuff for anyone with a few functioning brain cells.


Legendary Member
If anybody wants to see what Monkers is cheering on, Google 'top surgery' or 'trans man phallus surgery'.

What I'm 'cheering on' is the right for anyone to decide for themselves rather than be told what they can and can't do by fools such as you who can't keep their noses out of other people's business.

My opinions always fall along these lines:

Don't want an abortion - don't have one then.
Don't want to watch pornography - don't access it then.
Don't want to do sex work - do other work then.
Don't want a same sex marriage - don't have one then.
Don't want to have gay sex - then don't.
Don't want to transition - then don't.

Live your life as you please, just don't think you can stop people from doing the same because of your bigotry.
It will make it clear that for the purposes of single sex spaces 'sex' means biological birth sex, not gender identity or legal sex. Obvious but necessary because Stonewall et al have been telling people otherwise.

You're cheering on unnecessary medical treatments on the grounds of personal bodily autonomy. Which is fine, but we aren't talking about tattoos or even boob jobs. We are talking about becoming a life long medical patient for a problem that will resolve on it's own in most young people. We don't apply the same logic to anorexics who want diet pills, or selling kidneys, or people who want healthy limbs amputating. We don't wave that through on the grounds of bodily autonomy.

I have to laugh at the consistent arrogance you bring to your posts. Endlessly calling people stupid, or idiots, of having no brain cells. If only we were all as enlightened as Monkers and could realise that men on estrogen have no advantage in women's sports and blokes can be lesbians....


Elder Goth
As a vague aside, without going private or taking a punt somewhere dodgy, the options for top surgery or phalloplasty take a long time, a lot of consultation and are not undertaken lightly by either the surgeons or the patients, hardly "waved through".

Gender dysphoria doesn't just "resolve on it's own". It's a massive problem for some people.


Legendary Member
It will make it clear that for the purposes of single sex spaces 'sex' means biological birth sex, not gender identity or legal sex. Obvious but necessary because Stonewall et al have been telling people otherwise.

You're cheering on unnecessary medical treatments on the grounds of personal bodily autonomy. Which is fine, but we aren't talking about tattoos or even boob jobs. We are talking about becoming a life long medical patient for a problem that will resolve on it's own in most young people. We don't apply the same logic to anorexics who want diet pills, or selling kidneys, or people who want healthy limbs amputating. We don't wave that through on the grounds of bodily autonomy.

I have to laugh at the consistent arrogance you bring to your posts. Endlessly calling people stupid, or idiots, of having no brain cells. If only we were all as enlightened as Monkers and could realise that men on estrogen have no advantage in women's sports and blokes can be lesbians....

You don't have to listen to Stonewall; nor does anyone else - but you might do well to listen all the same, because their opinion reflects the law.

We are obliged to follow the law, and there is no such thing as 'Stonewall Law' that's just the invention and used by bigots.

You've now had it explained to you any number of times. Changing the meaning of 'sex' as a protected characteristic in the EqA does not in anyway negate the standing of the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, the legal force of which would remain unchanged.

Constant bitter references to Stonewall shows that you just not prepared to accept a truth and must continue to lie.

You effectively are doing the work of such people as Raab, Braverman, and others with the ambition of abolishing the UK Human Rights Act. Now you can applaud that all you like, but if you do then everyone will know that you are not really interested in women's rights at all.

I'm not actually convinced that your enthusiasm for women's rights is genuine at all, but it does provide a suitable mask for bigotry.


Reading around the chip
OK - I watched this one. KJK believes and states that she feels that her definition of victory would be to stop medical transitioning. Please explain how preventing people from mutilating themselves is fascism? We don't amputate limbs from people who want it done, but we do allow very young people to have cosmetic mastectomies and give them hormone treatment and bottom surgery. Can we really be sure that that is a good idea?

Bodily autonomy is not about other people deciding that what you do with your body is a good idea.


Legendary Member
Oh dear lying again.

We are talking about becoming a life long medical patient for a problem that will resolve on it's own in most young people.

My niece has a GRC, she does not have a lifelong medical problem. She would have had a lifelong psychological condition if that condition was not ameliorated. Thank goodness she was helped as I'm pretty sure I'd now be without her.


Reading around the chip
I don't think you can change your sex, or that having men in women's prisons, changing rooms, sports etc is a good idea, so I think my critical faculties are ok, thanks. I also don't feel the need to find out what every figure in any movement thinks about everything. She's one voice. It's not like she's the leader of the Labour Party laying wreaths for terrorists.

I think this my favourite post in this thread so far:

TC: Can you stop tacitly endorsing the worst kind of right-wing antifeminist grifters, please?

AS: IKR, why would Jerombly Cromblyn make me do this?!!!!!
As a vague aside, without going private or taking a punt somewhere dodgy, the options for top surgery or phalloplasty take a long time, a lot of consultation and are not undertaken lightly by either the surgeons or the patients, hardly "waved through".

Gender dysphoria doesn't just "resolve on it's own". It's a massive problem for some people.

If kids get support/therapy for all their issues, not just the body/gender ones, and they aren't put on puberty blockers, then it does resolve in most children by early 20's.

Even the Dutch have realised that those being seen at the clinics went from older males with longstanding dysphoria to mostly young people, especially teenage girls - and rowed back on puberty blockers.

When the affirmation model is followed and kids have started down a medical path there's noone willing to put the brakes on, not the clinics, not the psychologists, not the surgeons. It may not be waved through overnight but it's not challenged very much if detransitioners are to be believed.

It is pretty much waved through in the US. There's no serious questioning about mental health. It's pretty much elective surgery. (I know, Matt Walsh... but he does have a point here)
'Approved for testicle removal in 22 minutes'


To be expected when the surgery market is expected to be worth $6 billion a year by 2030.


Legendary Member
There's support for elective surgery to help them.

Not much support, and you can't legally have it done anywhere because of this:-
Even if we set aside the interests of family, other patients and those who must bear the financial costs of providing for the patient’s lifelong disability, those who have a disorder that causes them to desire to maim and disable their bodies cannot meet this standard of voluntarily accepting the burden of choice that makes the practice of respecting autonomy acceptable.”
I think this my favourite post in this thread so far:

TC: Can you stop tacitly endorsing the worst kind of right-wing antifeminist grifters, please?

AS: IKR, why would Jerombly Cromblyn make me do this?!!!!!

It's more that you are happy with the 'Nazi' mud slinging at KJK but don't like the 'my friends Hamas' stuff thrown at JC. It's your hypocrisy I'm pointing out.

You've now had it explained to you any number of times. Changing the meaning of 'sex' as a protected characteristic in the EqA does not in anyway negate the standing of the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, the legal force of which would remain unchanged.
And you've been given the links a hundred times. Services can exclude transwomen on the grounds that they are men (when it's appropriate). They are excluded because they are biological men, even with a GRC, so there is no discrimination for being transgender. The Guardian explain it very simply:
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